True love definition

  Hi, good reader, howdy, welcome back with me, hopefully your career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "True love definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in fake love, if you ask me why many people are trapped in fake love or trapped in unrequited love because they don't build a sense of self love, instead they just want to receive love from others without any eagerness to give something worthy to others, so before we want to get something worthy, we must give something worthy as well, that's prerequisite life, if we want a true love comes to let us happy, we must offer something which is really needed by others without any expectation behind it, if we just hope to get expectation from others at the first time, as impact, we will never get a true love because we already broke the natural law, in order to invite a true love to be dwelled into our deepest soul, we must give something crucial to others like an oxygen which offers what human need to live without expecting return, our job as human being is to ensure our service can make people to stay aware about the dangerous thing which may happen to human's life at anytime or we can help others to realize a problem which may happen at anytime, if we use different perception, we can't connect with spiritual intelligence if we hate what reality manifests, reality and spiritual realm are connected into each other, if we want to connect with reality, we have to ensure our faith has connected with spiritual intelligence and we let it to manifest into reality, remember this; our faith is not growing by itself, it needs a valuable information to activate our deepest level of vibration, when its process is clicked by our curiosity, our subconscious mind will demand our body to draw the inspiration around us, here is important note; faith only works when we detect the truth, if you ask me where can I meet with the truth? The answer: you can meet with the truth when you acquire knowledge which can connect between your curiosity and vision, if its process can conquer your logic, meaning, you have reached at the highest level of your awareness because your logic can't reject it, the fault is not lies upon your logic, but the fault lies in your limit of faith, if your faith is more superior than your logic, true love will approach you even though you don't have it, true love definition is expressing what you deep feel about and how to behave like the universe

  Our duty as human being is not pursuing what the true love demands, but how we develop our consciousness through spreading the kindness to others, remember; faith will do something for us if we build the power of kindness through our service, the main problem why many people can't get true love because they expect others to do the same as the way they do to them, here is the first strategy how to develop true love is willing to detect human's problem as much as you can, maybe it looks simple, but in fact it is totally very difficult, in order to detect problem, your awareness level must connect with the level of problem vibration which abides into the human's problem itself, here is the second strategy how to develop true love is expect less from others and expect more to yourself, do you know what I mean? Let me explain it to you, the word "expect more to yourself" = you push yourself to do when most people don't want to do what you do, if you just expect others to do something for you, meaning, you don't build your power, instead you only build your weakness, here is the third strategy how to develop true love: you must build your own principle and you don't let others to dictate your whole activity, if you follow your principle, you only create your own creation and you will not get disappointment when others don't do something for you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.