Social psychology


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Social psychology", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people often collide with tradition which may come from the society's agreement and some people think every tradition is created to limit people's potential and limit people's faith, whether we like it or not, every human will crush with tradition when it is congruent with human's mindset, in order to make a deal with different tradition, we just need to avoid what we think the tradition will change our true identity, remember; in order to socialize with different people's tradition, we just need to let other people follow their tradition and we just need to keep quiet with what other people do in their tradition, if you ask me question "is there any important thing when we socialize with other people?", the answer; there is nothing special if you just offer something which can make other people get paralyzed, for example; you just give some money to poor people without having any intention to educate poor people, even though this kind of behavior is considered to be good, but this kind of behavior will paralyze other people's ability if you keep continuing it until you create a social bond with them.

  In order to build a good communication in social relationship, we don't need to follow what other people think, what we need to do is how to build self-esteem first until other people will acknowledge what we do, the more people wait our reputation, the more we get a value from other people, I know it takes time to create good rapport in social relationship, our job as human being is offer something to others beyond our expectation, meaning, we don't hope other people will buy something from us, we just create a channel which can connect between other people's hope and solution, as long as we just do something for fulfilling our expectation, we will get the suffering which may hurt our inner peace, even though other people will not buy something from us right now, it doesn't mean our product or service is no longer needed, sometimes to become famous person, we need to build a channel which can connect between human's problem and solution, as long as we don't recognize the problem which may harm people's lives, our product or service will never overcome other people's problem, the best moment to create social relationship is when we no longer attach with our expectation, instead we create our masterpiece until other people will give attention and give the reward to us, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.