Psychology of criminal behavior

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Psychology of criminal behavior", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people aware about what causes criminals do the crime, some criminals just justify what they do without feeling sorry for what they do, this kind of mindset shouldn't be excused as justification because doing crime is not part of building wrong attitude, but it is part of building the evil's character, as normal human being who live together in the society's law, people like us shouldn't harm each other's since we are living together in the same district or the same country, based on psychological research data about crime; people who commit crime because they don't consider the law is making good connection with their ideology and also they consider the law only limits their behavior to do something they are obsessed, we can conclude people who commit a crime because they pretend like an extraordinary person who can surpass the average people's courage by doing everything they want in order to test their working performance and the criminals tend to break the law which is unable to offer a severe pain to their ideology, that's basic reason why the criminals do such thing, in order to give a threat to the criminal's behavior; we must give them a deep burden which can break their ideology until the criminals feel a hundred times' suffering level, as long as the law is giving an ease to anyone's ideology and also it can't give the positive deterrent effect to the criminal's habit, as impact, the criminals will do something more dangerous than the law's policy.

   If we disagree with the society's law, we must teach ourselves how to endure the pain by not doing what the law prohibits, remember; the law is always connected with the society's tradition and the agreement from the people who have high social class or have big influence in the society, remember; creating the artificial pain for ourselves is far better than dealing with the pain which is given by the country law's punishment, the artificial pain we can create to ourselves is like applying the discipline to what we do and we give ourselves with the strong commitment which can punish us when we want to do something badly, based on my research; there are some triggers why people tend to break the country's law, here is the first trigger which can encourage people to commit the crime; alcohol, as we know the alcohol's chemical substance has potential to eliminate the human's logical mind, if logic's potential can disappear easily, the human will do something dangerous without thinking about the negative side effect, here is the second trigger which can encourage people to commit the crime; illegal drugs, it is the same with alcohol's function, the chemical substance which is embedded in the illegal drugs can encourage people to do something dangerous or something more cruel, here is the third trigger which can encourage people to commit the crime; pornography, do you know why pornography is dangerous? Because it can destroy human's neocortex (front brain), if human's neocortex is broken, so human being will never be able to differentiate between right or wrong in their behavior, here is the fourth trigger which can encourage people to commit the crime; lacking of decent job in the country, this is part of country ministry's job, if people don't get decent job, they will do everything to survive on earth, here is the fifth trigger which can encourage people to commit the crime; there is no high moral teachings at human's lives, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.