Positive self esteem


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Positive self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people build positive self-esteem in their habit, if you ask me why not everyone can build positive self-esteem because they have built a habit which doesn't offer positive impact to other people's lives, as long as people just do something selfishly, they can't get positive self-esteem, in order to build positive self-esteem, we must know what's problem will happen in most time and we must be proactive to find a solution and offer to people who may have problem, remember; having positive self-esteem is not same like what arrogant or cocky person behaves, if person behaves like cocky person's behavior, he/she usually offers something where it is not being needed by a lot of people, whereas, positive self-esteem is like committing to do something more important and more critical for other people's lives, I think the first requirement we need to build in our habit if we want to get positive self-esteem is solving a critical problem, the reason why we need to solve a critical problem because it can multiply our power of influence and our power of troubleshooting, if we just sit down and wait other people's help without having eagerness to learn something, as impact, we will behave like coward person.

  Remember; positive self-esteem can't be built when we feel comfortable, but when we apply discipline, it will strengthen our self-esteem, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to build self-esteem, here is the first quality you need to improve self-esteem; you must know the price of your time per hour, when you can calculate how much price you are going to pay for your time, as impact, we will release the power of creativity and we will experience with something harder than the way we always do, here is the second quality you need to improve self-esteem; expect less from other people and do something beyond your expectation, the main reason why you need to do something beyond your expectation because only your expectation can border your physical limit and your creativity movement, remember this; building positive self-esteem doesn't need any appreciation or recognition from anyone else, self-esteem is like self-reflection about what we have finished, basically building positive self-esteem is like doing self-actualization, meaning, we must create something as much as we can until our skill is unstoppable, the more we create something, the more we receive the power from what we causehere is the third quality you need to improve self-esteem; you don't need to pay attention about other people's skill and start to explore about what you focus on about yourself, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.