Lacking self confidence


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Lacking self-confidence", the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us lack of self-confidence, if you ask me why many people lack self-confidence because they don't know how to set the price where they can sell something from their qualification to anyone else, from that statement, it is very intrigued to touch our feeling deeper when we don't know how much value from our existence on earth, if people who want to get self-confidence, at least they have to give something more valuable than their expectation to others or they must test their endurance first by practicing their inborn skill until its skill can be sold to others, remember; we can't rely on what other people do for us if we want to upgrade self-confidence, confidence is not about how much help we can gain from it, confidence is about how to reward our courage with the unpleasant experience and how to put ourselves into problem which may push us to take disciplined manner until we pass through it. let me tell you about the root of problem why we often feel lacking self-confidence is caused by our incapacity to develop our awareness and our daily habit tends to incapacitate something important within our curiosity, as long as we don't develop our sense of curiosity about our locked potential, our habit will find something pleasurable until we feel numbing to realize about the life's significant thing.

  Starting from now, please don't ever compare between what you can do and what other people can't do if you want to test your confidence, you just need to compare between what you did yesterday and what you do in the present time, that's good manner, strong confidence will not be shaken if you fortify your endurance level, every day you must fight against your past moment, if you feel proud about what you had done in the past until you don't feel amazed about what you do now, meaning, you have lost your life's significance, if you really want to measure how strong your confidence level, so you must combat with your sense of pleasure in every single day, that's requirementif you are eager to surround yourself with entertainment program rather than you put yourself into self-education, meaning, your life will not make anything special to you, everything around us will not change significantly as long as we just rely on the comfort zone, remember; comfort zone is the part of self-defense which is demanding one self's pride not to move forward, here is the first strategy how to gain self-confidence; you must make a strong reason why you don't want to feel inadequate, as long as you feel enough with something you do, meaning, you only kid yourself from the real life, remember; there is nothing sense of enough in this world as long as you keep seeking something you can achievehere is the second strategy how to gain self-confidence; focus to solve the problem you love and not let other problem will interfere what you can't do, the reason why you mustn't let the unknown problem comes to your focus because you will feel paralyzed when you drag yourself into something you are not, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.