How to boost self esteem

  Hi, good  reader,  howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about "How to boost self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose their self-esteem and they don't know how to utilize their self-esteem, if you ask me why people don't know how to boost self-esteem because they don't know how to put a right price to their valuable time, besides that, people don't know how to evaluate their purpose in this life, remember; self-esteem is kind of building the worthiness towards what someone does in disciplined manner, meanings, someone must put his best skill in their valuable time even though he doesn't expect to see the outcome, it is not easy to deal with time since we can't control it with our capable hands, if we realize that time is very important and also invaluable thing, so we must treat the time like we treat the patient who is hospitalized at hospital, as long as we treat the time well, our time will gain something beyond what we give to others, in order to know our capability's price, we must do something we love more than we get paid, the reason why I say such thing because giving a sense of love to what we do is the tool which can multiple what we do, if we just do something without any respect into it, as impact, we only get disappointment, the key how to make the turning point of our lives is we must give enough respect to the time by giving something to ourselves more than anyone can do, here is the good news; if we just expect others will do something best for our behalf, we only get a small piece of reward because we expect something out of our power, as long as we mistreat the time with the activity which can't teach us something new, time will decrease its value until we no longer find any meaningful thing in our life journey, that's consequence, the purpose of boosting self-esteem is to make us staying out in the false confidence and the purpose of boosting self-esteem is to make us staying out from false confidence and total security feeling in this life, if we feel comfort for longer time, our lives will lose esteem.

Giving yourself the affirmation words will reflect who you are

  In order to stay in the self-esteem for longer time, we must put ourselves in the uncomfortable state for a longer while than we plan, do you know why we must do it? Because time will not do something more for us if we only give something cheap to our time, such as building a bad habit, having a rough speaking way, having lack of mission in this life, messing up other people's lives, in my opinion; the only way how to increase the power of our time is we increase our self-love by doing what others are incapable to do something to us until life itself will plan something bigger to us, in addition, our time will multiple its value by itself if we develop a skill once we put ourselves into artificial emergency, now here I give you a tough question as well as enlightenment, what's purpose to make our body in a good shape? of course we want to feel healthier, so what we need to do is we exercise our muscles body at gym for longer time and consume nutritious food/drink, am I right?, it is same goes with the skill, the more time we need to build something useful, the more power we will gain from it, building a great muscles body is like building a time value for our skill, so we must be willing to taste the unpleasant thing in order to increase a time value in skill, if we build a high value in our time, life will boost our esteem automaticallyI think applying a discipline in what we do is the best way how to test our capability and endurance, remember this; if we test our endurance and capability more than our expectation, life will earn so much beneficial from what we do, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.