Biological psychology


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going running well, today I would like to share about the topic "Biological psychology", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people really appreciate about what shapes them and what pursues them, many people think biological psychology is about genetic with their parents, their grandfather's physical features, but the purpose of biological psychology is how to make human's behavior can surpass the limit of behavior and how to ensure human's behavior is no longer addicted with the previous neural mechanism which came from the ancestor's behavior and genetic, as human being, we don't need to blame why we don't belong rich family or why we live in poor family, it is silly question, the past moment will not interfere what we do today as long as we don't give reaction to what the past moment does to our memory, the best thing we can do when we feel doubt about what the past moment does is retreat ourselves for moment and keep grateful to what we feel today, if we just blame something outside of our capacity, we indirectly attract bigger problem to be stayed together with our present time, we will never get closer to our true identity if we just seek the justification to problem we feel, remember; there is nothing wrong with the past moment as long as we consider it as lesson, we will get wrong with the past moment if we keep provoking it with our reaction, whether we like it or not, we can't eliminate the past memory, our reaction can become an energy to the past moment if we make any crush with it and we will get hurt if we continue the repetition process.

  There is nothing new in this life if we just provoke what we had had in the past and do nothing new, even though our grandfather, our father, our mother, our aunt, our uncle are great people, they are just merely a channel for giving us a self-reflection, we must do something different than what they usually did in the past if we want to develop our authenticitybiological psychology is developed by the scientist long time ago because it is needed to study more about what human's behavior can do when mammalian's behavior can't, basically there are some similarities between human's behavior and mammalian's behavior, here is the first similarity which happens in their behavior; mammalian will freeze when they meet with something harm for them, whereas, human will freeze when they can't solve something difficult for them, if we study more about human's behavior, they can do something more even though there is something difficult in the process, the big reason why human will freeze their movement because they only rely on their logic rather than their creativity, if we compare with the mammalians, they don't need any excuse to live longer on earth, what the mammalians want is fight or die, that's part of physical basis based on psychological issue which may impact to biological psychology, here is the conclusion; if we want to be something better than our limitation, we must delete the definition of difficult in our mind because giving our reaction to something we can't finish properly it doesn't mean we will lose forever, as long as we have strong eagerness to learn, there is nothing difficult in this life, we just need to find some meanings in what we do, based on the research, human have many similarities with chimpanzee based on biological psychology, what makes difference is only one, namely the chimpanzee don't possess neocortex / frontal brain which can differentiate between right or wrong in action, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.