Behavioral psychology

Good behavior can adapt with new change

  Hi, good reader, howdy? Welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is running well, today I would like to share about the topic "Behavioral psychology", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes how to make their habit is more powerful than their expectations, based on my own research: every habit that human creates is coming from the ideology, every ideology comes from the upbringing process, repetition and the authority figure, please beware about what you build in yourself because your habit will determine the outcome which may scare you, when you are in the habit state, you no longer control what you think and what you pursue, so you just go with the flow, maybe some people will get a high horse to their habit, but they don't concern at all about the side effect from the habit pattern, if you realize that habit is powerful source, so you have to lead your habit to become a savior either yourself and other people, if you can't dictate your life mission into reality, then you will be difficult to know more about your true identity, the only way how to know your behavioral psychology is being honest to your life choice, meaning, you have to discipline what you choose even though you may see something irritating and humiliating to your life journey, that's learning zone, there's wisdom you need to hear "there's no learning process when you are in the comfort zone, there's discomfort zone when you're in the learning process"

The school of fish can represent human habit

  Remember this: habit is the accumulation of the routine activity which can't be disturbed by human's logical mind easily, if you think life can be predicted by human's habit, life will be more dangerous than human's expectation, if there are people ask me "why life is more difficult?" Because future is very private and secret, now I think people will not concern anymore when they find the fact that not everyone can be successful person, the big reason why not everyone can become a successful person because most of them don't want to become a determined person who want to grow more and feel pain more, before we want to be determined person, we must commit how to be a man of value first, maybe you ever heard the wisdom "if people know about the value of something they need, they will pay with something big in return", it is the same goes with our behavioral psychology, if we don't know what to do for the future, we will feel difficult to determine the value we will create in the future, if we want to measure our value, we must monitor where our habit mostly going, not all habits we create can bring the value to others, as long as our habit can't bring the value to others, our habit will be considered as a low cheap and we will be acknowledged as a slow learner, some people in the world think about something unique, it says "person can get the payment when he brings the value, not the time he uses to make the value", that's basic requirement how to build good behavior, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.