Abnormal behavior psychology

Abnormality comes from lacking of self-awareness

  Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Abnormal behavior psychology", the main reason why I choose that topic because there are many people get abnormal behavior without knowing the big reason why they get abnormality, based on psychological research; abnormal behavior comes from people's inability to adapt with pressure which comes from the activity people have done regularly, the point of what is making people get abnormality is inability to handle pressure and they can't escape from pressure they have gained from the instant pleasure, based on my own research; what people concern in the most is about pleasure, but what they don't prepare so far is a good qualification which is used to receive pressure from the activity they have chosen, as long as people more concern about pleasure, sooner or later, their habit will get abnormality until they can't differentiate between delusion, illusion and reality, remember this; every instant pleasure always brings huge pressure in the next day, then what we aren't doing, we are considered to choose the situation which may create predicament for us, whether we like it or not with predicament, life will force us to choose something which can't be reverted to the previous situation, what makes something more difficult is our lacking of self-awareness towards something we should know in reality, the first step how to know what we should know about the risk is doing something not based on our expectation, but we do something to test our limit.

Feeling weird doesn't mean being abnormal person

  Based on my research; we can't return to the previous situation when we already make decision for the next day no matter how hard we try, the reason why we can't return to the previous situation because our time can't collude anymore with the past situation, if we realize life is always uncertain and mysterious, we should try something although we don't know about the outcome, I call it as mental pressure training, in order to fix abnormal behavior, we must not imagine about the risk first rather we do something little harder in order to test our natural instinct whether it is endurable or not to gain more pressure from reality, before reality will judge us, we must do what reality can't do something for us, meanings, we do something not because we expect to happen, but how we welcome the new situation with strong hearted, if life can be predicted easily by our capacity, as impact, life will be so bored and frustrated, our duty as human being is not predicting reality, but how to do something beyond of what's reality looks like, the reason why many people get stressed easily when they see reality because they don't create new probability through what they did in the previous situation, in order to create new probability is doing something not because we want to see the result, but we do to destroy our expectation which may limit our potential, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.