Types of amnesia after head injury

Amnesia is like a temporary memory loss

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Types of amnesia after head injury", the main reason why I choose that topic because almost everyone in this world has ever experienced with amnesia, at this moment I would like to share about 7 Types of amnesia: 1. Infantile amnesia, 2. Dissociative amnesia, 3. Lacunae amnesia, 4. Transient global amnesia, 5. Blackout amnesia, 6, Retrograde amnesia, 7. Anterograde amnesia, now let me elaborate one by one for you, hopefully my explanation can help you to understand better, 1. infantile amnesia is type of amnesia which is causing a childhood memory loss, if person has ever experienced with infantile amnesia, he will feel difficult to remember the specific event which had happened in his childhood, 2. Dissociative amnesia is type of amnesia which is causing someone can't remember his personal information even it's related to his important past experience, probably he can't remember his personal life, such as hobby, childhood name, childhood friend, etc. 3. Lacunae amnesia is type of amnesia which is causing someone loses his memory randomly, but this type of amnesia doesn't break person's past memory which had happened in short term period, this type of amnesia happens because there's something wrong with limbic system.

Amnesia is causing the lack of focus power

4. Transient global amnesia, this type of amnesia causes someone loses his total memory loss, this type of amnesia is caused by someone who is doing to do something heavier in his activities frequently, 5. Blackout amnesia, this type of amnesia causes someone losing his memory because he consumes alcohol or illegal drugs frequently, so someone can't remember something he said or he felt when he was drunk in the past, 6. Retrograde amnesia, this type of amnesia which causes someone losing his memory because he had got a brain system pain which compels him to get a brain surgery operation at hospital, 7. Anterograde amnesia, this type of amnesia which causes someone to lose his recent memory before he got Anterograde amnesia, this type of amnesia is caused by the disease which is making a brain memory infection, person who ever got Anterograde amnesia, he usually consumes alcohol and the alcohol's side effects causes his memory can't work efficiently, here is the preventive action you need to do is you want to avoid amnesia; you must train your focus to finish something which is considered to be important, the key is self-achievement, if you can increase your self-achievement, your life will help your brain to make a new transformation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.