Severe panic attack

Panic attack expression


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with health, wealth and relationship, today I would like to share about the topic "severe panic attack", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get severe panic attack when what they expect doesn't happen in reality, besides that, people who usually get severe panic attack is influenced by the moment where they think it can be frightening thing when it is not done yet, if we use different perception regarding this issue, severe panic attack is started with our unprepared mentality to see reality, basically panic attack is not coming by itself, it always needs a strong trigger to happen, panic attack is not caused by the external cause, it is caused by the internal cause, e.g. comfort zone, easy type to believe what people say, poor information, so in order to reduce our panic attack, the first step we must do to reduce a severe panic attack is helping ourselves first, it means, we take own responsibility with what we listen and we must select the information we receive from any informant who is trying to convince us, remember this; detecting a type of person who delivers the information to us is much better than knowing the quality of information itself, meanings, we must beware about type of person who delivers the type of information because not all information from others will bring a good value to our soul, here is the affirmation words for upgrading your mental strength, "if I want to become a successful person, I must put a great sense of love to myself more than I pursue something instantly which can't grow my inner peace", now your destiny awaits your decision because only your decision will influence type of challenge you will take from the future, here is my research; the quality of information can be copied by everyone else, but the deep understanding about the quality of information can't be copied easily by everyone else because only the individual person's mind filter will determine the quality of information

Child's panic attack expression

  The quality of information will not change, only our perception will change the circumstance from the quality of information, even though 100 people believe with the quality of information, if we don't believe it easily, there is nothing happening to us, for example; 100 people believe that stress can become the biggest cause that can make someone die easily, if we don't believe that information personally, stress will never be able to kill us no matter how hard our situation within, remember this; the outside information will not change what's inside at human's belief system, only truth can change human's perception, when a perception changes, new belief will born too, have you ever wondered why truth is so powerful? because truth can't be rejected by our belief system, so our belief system will validate the outside information if it is congruent with the truth, it is the same exactly with panic attack, if we don't feed our belief system with what our soul needs, we tend to believe what other people talk instantly, here is the second thing we must do if we want to reduce a severe panic attack; don't look the information which can enable us to feel overjoyed because the truth about information can't satisfy us, basically life is designed to give every human being with warning and unpredictable thing, starting from now, train our mindset first by doing what's heavier, not doing what's easier, remember; doing the easy thing is predictable and it is not needed by our soul, whereas, doing something we never try is unpredictable for our future and it is needed by our soul, if we can shock our future with something really new from us, as impact, life will offer something which can surprise us, that's the natural law, a severe panic attack is not happening if we don't give it physical energy, repetition and focus, here is the last note; we can't change all the things in what's outside, especially in what people think about us, but after we can change what's inside us, the outside will change by itself unpredictable, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.