Overcoming self consciousness

Self-consciousness is reflecting what you build in yourself

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Overcoming self consciousness" the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize and develop their consciousness, if you ask me why so many people aren't happy even though they are entitled to utilize their own consciousness because they only focus how to make themselves feared, not to focus how to find a deep meaning of their lives, I just to remind you that finding pleasure is not the best option how to make our survival skill is enhanced, we will never get a happy life if we don't give our lives with a noble purpose because life is not designed to make us happy, but life is designed to guide us how to identify about our potential, problem solving skill is designed to make us feeling better and problem is the tool how to improve our consciousness, if there's no problem, we probably won't make something work in reality, happiness lies is the contribution that you have put into your self-awareness until you don't need very much with your contribution, now our duty is how to access our consciousness and habit to embrace discomfort zone in order to access enlightenment, discomfort zone represents hardship, uncertainty and setback.

Self-consciousness is self-awareness

  If we are not sure about what we think, at least we don't destroy our life path by doing something worthless, I don't know what will happen in our future, the only way how to predict future is how to create something we haven't done in our life story, our consciousness is designed to stay guard at the door of our mind, basically our consciousness will develop its strength when don't allow any worthless information to creep into our mind, e.g. gossip, hoax, people's private life, pornography, here is the first strategy how to overcome our self-consciousness: we create the incantation about we will review about what we will have in the future, if we aren't happy now because we invested something which it's not needed by our subconscious mind, here is the second strategy how to overcome our self-consciousness: lock our valuable time by scripting our daily activity, the main reason why we need to do that because our quality of life depends how we are serious to limit our focus and our energy for the right purpose, our life will be worthless if we just let our focus expanding without any direction, when we lose our focus, we automatically drain our energy, that's dangerous, here is the third strategy how to overcome our self-consciousness is stop trying to imitate about someone else's figure and be an actor on your own creation, as we know God creates every human being with uniqueness and authenticity, if we always follow other people's story, we lose our own way how to reach our destiny, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.