Person responsible

Responsible person is always keeping his promise

   Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, I hope you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Person responsible", the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize their purpose, if you ask me about the main reason why many of us can't recognize our purpose because our conscious mind is intrigued by profit-oriented mindset, here is the main reason why profit-oriented mindset is very bad for our long term life because profit can lock our mental growth, I don't say we don't need a profit when we work in good career, what I mean is we shouldn't focus on profit, but we should prioritize how to develop our competence, we can't build our competent skill if we don't discipline our mind and body to be responsible to what we work on the problem we love, that's the first vision we need to build, if we just prioritize how to get profit at the first step, our skill will not grow as we expect because building a skill needs progressive action and perseverance, remember this advice; being responsible person is always digging new information to know more about what he can and what he chooses, from the data research; our mental acumen can't achieve something great when our skill doesn't support in what we aim, our skill will not grow rapidly if we feel satisfied about the result which has been shown in reality, sometimes we need to ignore reality in order to gain new problem which can accelerate our skillcompetent skill will grow if we take new responsibility by taking a new challenge every day which can guide our deepest curiosity to unlock the mysterious problem which can impact to most people's lives.

Responsibility is lies within your own purpose

  Starting from now, please don't too focus to pursue profit if you want to develop your competent skill, profit will find you automatically when you succeed to develop competent skill which has been buried long period of time within yourself, that's part of life's system, the reason why not many people want to build their competent skill because they consider building a skill needs several years to grow and the uncertainty test, besides that, people must adapt with the rejection from reality, remember this advice; people who are not willing to adapt with uncertainty, they are unable to survive once they meet with a big problem which needs competent skill, only responsible person who is able to build the competent skill, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to be responsible person, hopefully it can give you encouragement to do something better in your career, here is the first strategy you need to do if you want to be responsible person; you must be willing to compete against your ego, meaning, you must do something new every time your ego whispers you to stop what you develop, if you just follow and listen what your ego tells you, it indicates you aren't willing to be a new person you admire in the future, whether you like it or not, ego always whispers something bad for you, remember this; ego can't motivate you every time you face something in the difficult time, that's your challenge, here is the second strategy you need to do if you want to be responsible person; you must focus on your long term purpose, not the result, meaning, you must accelerate your potential by doing something for other  people's problem, if you do something because of a big profit, as result, your potential will not grow rapidly because your intention and your vision aren't walking in the same path, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.