Psychological stress

Stress is caused by lack of endurance


  Hi, good reader, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic "Psychological stress", the main reason that topic because almost everyone can stress although they get once in their life time, from the research, psychological stress is induced by inability to accept the circumstance where it is caused by unknown condition, if we look at reality, many people refuse to accept condition which is not compatible with their unrealistic expectation, now my question to you is "where does unrealistic expectation happen? it happens when people create a perfect idealism in their mindset, as long people always want to see something which it must be matched with their unrealistic expectation, as impact, they always see something which causes stress, so it is not part of realistic thinking, instead it is self-delusionthe real problem which causes us stress is coming from our unrealistic expectation, if we use different perception related to this topic, the real problem in this life is having no ability to induce stress because every problem is designed as the notification for human to develop mental strength to accept imperfect condition, in my opinion; pushing against ourselves to accept something in reality is not part of solution how to deal with stressif we keep pushing and pushing our limitation, as impact, we create more condition to make us stress, all we need to do is not pushing our limitation, but how we pull out the kindness as much as we can from Godsend, if we realize everything in this life is not designed to make us happy, our duty is how to change something we can do even though life is wanting us to feel something we don't want to, life is mysterious, we can't force life to fulfill what we want, the simple way how to stay calm is not to focus on the external circumstance, but how to add something positively into the external circumstance in order to relieve the pain of stress which may attack us. 

Inability to adapt with reality can cause stress

 Starting from now, we must focus how to add something where life can't give to us, if we focus how to develop our mental strength, we will not get stressed easily eve though there are many unknown circumstances are trying to make us stress, life is a test, so we can't get something useful from life if we don't utilize reality as the stepping stone how to develop our mental strength, remember this advice; we will not get stress if we don't consider everything around us is problemif we don't feel stress even though there is something scarier to come, meaning, we don't consider something scarier is menace, basically there is nothing wrong in this life if we always teach our attitude to see something beautiful, I understand teaching our attitude how to accept reality is not easy to do because we always create unrealistic expectation, here is the first thing we need to do how to relieve stress; we don't build unrealistic expectation in our mindset, the reason why we must avoid to create unrealistic expectation because it is always opposing reality, here is the second thing we need to do how to relieve stress; we don't justify our weaknesses, the reason why we must avoid justification act because it can encumber our mental, here is the third thing we need to do how to relieve stress; we don't try to control reality, meaning, we don't hate even though reality is against our plan, instead, we learn something from reality, remember this advice from Benjamin Franklin's advice: today is yesterday's student, meaning, reality is not part our product, even though we have power to change our mind, it doesn't mean reality will follow our mind, whatever situation happens at present time, we must be willing to be student from yesterday's moment, here is the fourth thing we need to do how to relieve stress; we must recognize our fear, what we can do if we don't want our fear grows is we don't feed our mind with the negative news or untrustworthy information, we must know who is reliable informant, if we believe with the informant easily, as result, we intend to grow our fear, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to fix your life, good luck.