Psychogenic amnesia

Memory loss is caused by overwhelming stress

  Hi, good reader, howdy? Welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "psychogenic amnesia", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to help themselves how to get out from psychogenic amnesia, based on the psychological evaluation, there are several symptoms which causes psychogenic amnesia: 1. memory loss of certain time periods, events, people and personal information, 2. a sense of being detached from emotion and self awareness, 3. Having a perception of the people and things around is considered to be unreal and distorted, 4. Feel a blurred sense of identity, this type of amnesia may last for only few minutes, but in rare cases, it can persist for years, someone who gets psychogenic amnesia, he usually receives something scarier from what he stares at, so his face is like someone who is in the state of catatonic trance, people who get this type of amnesia, he may lose his total memory, but he can gain a small piece of his memory when he is guided to go to the favorite thing where he usually gets before he entered in the state of psychogenic amnesia, if we review about this type of amnesia's research, psychogenic amnesia is characterized by a sudden loss of autobiographical memories for the whole of a person's past, in order to help a person who gets psychogenic amnesia, we must bring him to the place where it can remind him to his childhood's place or his childhood's favorite food, or his beloved people's lives.

Psychogenic amnesia is caused by traumatic events

  Starting from now, we must treat the patient who suffers psychogenic amnesia is like a child who is trying to find out what he fond of, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to deal with psychogenic amnesia, here is the first strategy we must do if we meet with someone who suffers psychogenic amnesia: don't remind him to do something heavier than what he never did before, a person who ever got amnesia's record, he isn't allowed to do something which can empower his stress or bipolar emotional, here is the second strategy we must do if we meet with someone who suffers psychogenic amnesia: don't talk about something seriously,  the main reason why we don't need to talk something seriously with someone who gets psychogenic amnesia because a serious talk may hurts his memory, the most important topic is how we can make a person is laughing with our topic or we can make him forget about his traumatic events, if we don't understand how we treat someone who gets psychogenic amnesia, at least we don't let him go to the place where it can remind him to think about the events, basically we must untie him from his past reality, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.