Panic disorder treatment

Panic is caused by unrealistic expectation

  Hi, good reader, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic "Panic disorder treatment",  the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get panic disorder when they feel about unpleasant situation, such as bankruptcy, pandemic, economy crisis, unsuccessful business strategy, if you ask me why many people get panic disorder because they lack of provision to counteract something bad which comes from their ritual / tradition which leads to bad behaviorthe reason why many people pursue instant pleasure because they consider every instant pleasure can create high expectation which leads to peace and avoid high risk, that's problem where most people don't understand, here is the important message for human to know; only miserable, uncertainty and adversity can increase human's endurance level because they are the real ultimate power which can be used to change human's futurehere is the wisdom you need to ponder; "feeling temporary pain is better than feeling permanent pain", every permanent pain only comes from unrealistic expectation which leads to regret, if you often get panic disorder after you get the unpleasant situation, it indicates that you prioritize yourself to feel instant pleasure which has potential to invite the mental illness, remember; great desire will not do something useful for you unless you use desire to share God's grace you have had to othersnow let me tell you why strong minded person doesn’t get panic disorder easily every time he meets with unpleasant situation because he doesn’t focus on something out of his control and he only focuses on what he develops on his own potential. 

lack of focus can create panic disorder

    Here is the key how to avoid panic attack; don’t waste your life to protect your instant pleasure, if you dedicate yourself to look for instant pleasure only, the more you get suffering because of it, remember; your life is as valuable as other people’s lives, if you just focus how to please yourself, you will crush your own life, but if you share God's grace you have had to others, you will be pursued by true happiness, At this moment I would like some strategies how to create panic attack treatment, hopefully it can give you enlightenment, here is the first strategy how to create panic disorder treatment; don’t try to attract the negative thing into your mind if you aren't ready to get consequenceif you build a habit by attracting the negative thing more often than the positive thing, you only get panic disorder, sometimes there are many negative news out there are trying to creep into our mind, our duty as human being is doing something opposite when life offers negative thing and when life offers something positively, we should beware about it because not all good thing is good for us and not all bad thing is bad for us, here is the second strategy how to create panic disorder treatment; don’t look back on the old history which can remind you to receive the unpleasant experience, meaning, you must block your focus from the old history and you keep continuing your life mission, don’t let the unknown circumstance interferes what you can do today, here is the last note; our duty is not rewriting the history, but how we create new story by expanding our potential to create the enlightenment path for othersthe reason why we get panic disorder because we too believe with our past memory until we reject new perception from God's will, please don't expect reality to follow our will if we ourselves don't want to get panic disorder, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to fix your life, good luck.