Panic disorder causes

Panic comes from the deepest sadness to what's leaving us


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life has been imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Panic disorder causes", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize what's making them get a panic disorder, if you ask me does panic can attack us suddenly? , The answer is No, there's no panic can harm us unless we train our mindset to believe something which it could happen at any time, here is bad news: if we train our mind to enjoy something what's waiting us certainly, as impact, our creativity will leave us certainly and our privilege will be gone as well, if people always hunt something which already waited them, as result, they will not get what they are supposed to get, life can't be waited as we want or as we plan, that's not real life, if we treat a life like it's always been planned, there is no future will wait us, the real life is always unpredictable and it is always surprising us at any time, that's why we need to warn ourselves to do something different in every single day because we will never know about our future whether we will get reward or punishment, people will turn themselves to be panic person once their source is leaving them, such as instant money, authority, reputation, if we want to live peacefully, don't let the thing or people will attach firmly within our deepest heart, here is advice we need to ponder for moment; when there is something just passing through us and leaving us, we just need to let it go away, but if there is something which is trying to approach us, we just receive that circumstance and we learn it thoroughly, remember; what's waiting us is always better than what's leaving us, do you know why? Because what's waiting us is not going anywhere, instead it is trying to surprise us, but if we force ourselves to stay with what's leaving us, as impact, we got a mental illness such as panic disorder or anxiety, if we don't want to get a mental illness like that, we must build strong character, so strong character can't be built when we don't create contribution or new progress to what we have done, here is the affirmation words we need to build when we get panic disorder, "life gives a response based on what I already gave to this world, what's wrong with me is nothing against with the natural law and Almighty God supremely knows than what I fear and what I need".

Panic person is feeling threatened by his own belief

  Life is rent, it doesn't need to be owned, it is part of necessity which helps us to manifest what we aim, I will put a slogan for this topic; "we are stronger than what we think", do you know why I say such thing? Because what's prepared to us from the future is always better than what we prepared right now, life will make us weaker when we just do something predictable, what causes people get a panic disorder is they depend themselves too much with available resources until what they had assumed as their savior is really gone, that's one of panic disorder cause, remember; don't create something which can be your new god in your life if you really want to avoid a panic disorder, what makes us panic is not coming from the impermanence, but when we consider the thing we believe to be imperishable but it is perishable, strong character will never born if we stop renewing what we do, every day we have to do something new again even though we had done something until 100 times in the past, let the past dwells in the past and don't let future waits us, our duty now is do something useful at present time or the future never comes to us, here is for the next advance training to build your mental strength; you put yourself into unpredictable journey, such as hiking mountain, surfing in the sea, etc. here is the last note; strong man really hates with the predictable thing / comfort zone because it doesn't give him a new wisdom, instead comfort zone is stopping him to do self-actualization, strong man is always putting themselves into discomfort zone where there's no clear direction, there's no available resources, there's no knowledge, and there's no certain things where it can comfy him instantly, here is the conclusion; happiness comes from having strong character, contribution and new progress, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.