Panic attack treatment

Panic attack is caused by our unprepared mental to see reality


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "panic attack treatment", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can remedy themselves quickly when a panic attack already came, if we use different perception regarding this issue, panic attack doesn't happen accidentally, it always needs repetition from our focus, panic attack will prolong its cycling's time when it is being attracted with human's repetitive fearful experience, such as traumatic experience which is concerned with physical accident, medical checkup history, those examples belong to human's psychological pain, if you have some relatives out there who ever get panic attack, you can follow these instructions, here is the first strategy how to treat people who get panic attack is we don't let them think something beyond of their capability, the main reason why we aren't allowed to think something beyond of our capability because we indirectly will attract the unknown circumstance which may injure our inner peace, I just want to remind that our inner peace is like home for our lives, if we don't feel secure with our home, the available resource around us will be futile, such as money, house, car, expensive goods, remember; our happiness is determined by our quality of survival and our contribution to others, if we don't have any willingness to survive in longer time, our time value and our energy will be worthless, even though in daily activity we are surrounded by powerful people, those people will never care about what we feel, our lives will never let us know how to utilize our mental strength if we don't give our lives with a noble purpose or long term goal, "our life value is determined by the quality of our contribution to others, not what we owned in the past", we have to ensure our contribution can reduce the pain which may attack other people, the more we give our contribution to others, the more we will be given something out of our expectation. 

Running from reality will cause panic attack

  Here is the second strategy how to treat people who get a panic attack; teach them not to manage their expectation, the main reason why we aren't allowed to manage our expectation because our expectation only reflected to what we imagine about the past moment, if we push ourselves to manage our expectation, as impact, our panic's cycling time will be growing faster and it will hurt our psychological health, in order to live harmoniously, we must stay together with what we receive at present, if we want to help people who get panic attack, invite them to do something beyond of expectation, e.g. do physical exercise regularly, avoid the negative news which may be written at the magazine or newspaper, turn off television, maybe some people will hate with some advice above, but we must remember that our future is more valuable than what we feel about the past, if we want to salvage our future, we must let go off something which disturb our inner peace, I have already told you before that our inner peace is like home, if we can't stay longer in our home, where we are supposed to go? there is no the safest place on earth except living in our peace, our inner peace must be fed with the truth or something which can't be rejected our logical reason, the valuable information will not lies in a book, but it lies in our intuition, book is just a guidance for us to identify what our soul needs, I think the best treatment for people who get panic attack is don't live on the luck, but they must put themselves in their visualization, meanings, we do something progressively until we find a value which is needed by our soul, if our soul can get what it needs, everything around us will be our home and eventually there is nothing can give us panic attack, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.