Panic attack management

Panic expression


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Panic attack management”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are being prepared how to face the unsuccessful hope, for some reasons why many people aren't prepared to see something out of expectation because they are trained to dictate themselves to see something they want only and they aren't equipped to exceed their expectation, now here is my critical question: ”what were you preparing before you realize going to lose your savings?”, I believe most people just think how to make a debt after they lose their money, am I right?, that's worse experience, remember this wisdom; before the war begins, we must end the war before it is getting startedit means, before we lose the money, we must evolve our mental acumen by developing our inborn skill and solve some life problems, if we don't use our mental strength to solve some problems, this life is going to give us the unexpected problem which may give us too much stress, remember; life doesn't get easier, life gets harder, have you ever wondered why strong minded person doesn’t get panic attack easily once he meets with the unpleasant situation because he doesn’t focus on something out of his capable hand and he only focuses on what he develops on his skill only, here is the key how to avoid panic attack; don’t waste your life to protect your instant pleasure, if you dedicate yourself to look for instant pleasure, the more you get suffering because instant pleasure is irresponsible about your future, remember; your life is as valuable as other people’s lives, if you just focus how to please yourself, you will invest a panic attack in the future, but if you focus to enhance your skill until you no longer prioritize your instant pleasure, as impact, your life will complete your journey and your skill will increase your survival skill and eventually you will not get panic attack easily.  


Panic is kind of severe fear effect

  At this moment I would like some strategies how to create panic attack management, hopefully it can give you enlightenment, here is the first strategy how to avoid panic attack; strengthen your major focus on your big picture, it means, you must know what you are going to commit in the near future, if you don't know what you are going to do, your focus will lose its strength and eventually you will lose a sight of hope, here is the second strategy how to avoid panic attack; don’t look back on the old history which reminded you with the unpleasant experience, meaning, you must block your focus from the old history and you keep continuing your life mission, don’t let any circumstance interferes what you can do, our duty is not rewriting the history, but how we create new story which may bring good impact to our future lives, the reason why many of us get panic attack because we too focus about our past memory and we believe it will happen again in the future, here is the third strategy how to avoid panic attack; stop trying so hard to follow someone else's character, the reason why we aren't supposed to follow someone else's character because every human is unique creature, if we just follow someone else's character, we will lose our unique ability and also we will lose our novelty value in our soul, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.