Panic attack help

Panic from what we fear


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Panic attack help", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can save their future from panic attack, some people spend their time to drink alcohol to reduce their panic attack and some people consume antidepressant drug, those methods will not give much good effect to their lives, do you know why I say such thing because panic disorder doesn't need antidepressant or alcohol, what panic needs is something we need to save for our future lives, such as good knowledge, good habit, good relationship, good philosophy, good attitude, remember; we can't give a help to anyone who gets panic disorder because panic disorder can happen at any time, whereas, our time and our energy is very limited, even though life itself has contained unlimited energy, it doesn't apply with our capability, great energy always needs great container, if we don't supply large container, we can't recover life problem which may test our mental strength, so the first help we can do to save our future is we can enlarge our mental container by doing something progressively and we don't let the unknown circumstance will shirk what we start, if we can focus how to stay in the activity which can supply our happiness state, as impact, everything outside beyond us will remain calm and panic disorder will not disturb our inner peace, remember; panic disorder doesn't sleep, it waits our carelessness, when we focus on something which can attract our panic, so we will get side effect from what we focus on, when there is focus's flowing, the energy will flow by itself to the destination where it contains our focus.

Panic person fears with greater power

  If we don't know how to create focus, at least we distract our attention to something beautiful or something attractive, our life is not difficult like the majority of people think, our journey is stepping one step to another one by driving our focus to the unpredictable journey, not predictable one, if we can drive our focus to the unpredictable journey, we will not panic attack because we indirectly train our mind to make a new alternative path every time we get a new problem, remember; people who often get a panic disorder because they usually focus how to go to the predictable journey or the place where it can be seen or be contacted easily, I just want to remind again that life shouldn't be planned as what we want or what we expect because life itself is too great and too dangerous to be planned by human being, if our lives can be predicted, we can't live peacefully in the future, instead, we will live in mind delusion, do you know the meaning of mind delusion? it kind of the mind trap which contains about instant pleasure, instant result and instant process, if we want to save our future, we shouldn't let ourselves to taste instant process, instant result or instant pleasure because those belong to the fake mind picture which is coming from our ignorance and our stupidity, if we want to live peacefully, we must stay harmoniously with the natural law, "if we want to start something useful, we must finish it soon and don't let the circumstance will dictate what we start", here is the last note; who we are is the part of what we respond regularly, if we train our mind to respond negative, meanings, we build an evil character in our personality, if we train our mind to respond positive even though the circumstance says negative, meanings, we build a new wisdom in our character, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.