Mental disorder

The symptoms of mental illness

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Mental disorder”, the main reason why I choose that topic because there many rules or lifestyle in this world which create mental disorder, if you ask me why many people get mental disorder because they always feel deprived in what they do, in order to develop our mental strength, we must challenge ourselves to do something until we can bring two feelings together, (happiness + unpleasant), here is the wisdom we often heard “if there is no pain, no gain”, that’s true, now here is my question to you to ponder; 1. “how much pressure you can endure?” and 2. “how you can get over your fear towards pressure?”, if you can answer one of those questions, I am very optimistic that you will not get mental disorder because you do because of what you deserve, here is the first duty we must do if we don’t want to get mental disorder; we must build the feeling of self-actualization, meaning, you don't feel interrupted by other people's feeling when you do something positive, meaningful and useful, maybe you will ask me "why we must apply self-actualization?" this method is used to measure how good you perform and how you are serious to accelerate your aptitude, remember this; good activity is supposed to increase human's mental health, instead to downgrade people's capacity, here is the second duty we must do if we don’t want to get mental disorder; we stop trying so hard to follow what we mean to be, meaning, we must be able to train ourselves to find something which can make our purpose is alive, we can't be unique person if we just multiply other people's lifestyle, we can be unique person if we do something where 99% people dislike with what we do, mental disorder will happen if we ourselves really don't love with the adapting process. 

Lack of mental capacity induces distress

   Now I have question to you "what can you do if what you prepare so far is failing you?", if you feel scared about that, meaning, you do something in the wrong way, remember this advice; if you wish to feel peace, you train your mind to imagine that what you prepare so far is going to leave you immediately, only you can save your condition, you must start to leave what you are capable of and be zero again, meaning, you start zero again when you finish what you have done, that's important note, here what you can do if you want to enhance your mental picture; if you want to reject what makes you unpleasant, you must accept what you can't ignore, that' therapy how to avoid mental disorder, here is the last note; mental disorder can't appear when you have developed your mental picture by working with your natural instinct every day, if you dedicate yourself to work like what oxygen does in this life, you don't need a place to introduce yourself to the world because the world already recognizes you, your capability to adapt with something harder is more important than your capability to see reality, that's formula how to survive from mental illness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.