Mental breakdown meaning

Mental breakdown symptom is having no clear purpose

    Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Mental breakdown meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get mental breakdown when they face with lifestyle where it doesn't empower their intelligence or self-awareness, if you ask me why many people get mental breakdown because they pursue the lifestyle where it is not suitable for them, starting from now, don't train your mind to pursue lifestyle where it doesn't increase your skill or creativity, everything is this world is full of disaster, so we must beware with what we feel and what we pursue, mental is like PC defender from the virus, so we must protect our database from the virus or the intruders which may bring our detriment in our lives, if we are willing to avoid mental breakdown, we mustn't let our self-satisfaction is dominating our soul, do you know why? because self-satisfaction often brings detriment rather than benefit,  sometimes mind’s false defend mechanism can lead people to mental breakdown if we just let our satisfaction is bigger, if you want to know why mental breakdown must exist in reality, if you can’t release your satisfaction to the proper channel, as impact, you will always get confusion, here is my research; “having unclear desire, wild expectation and lack of strong reason can lead to mental breakdown’s state”in order to prevent mental breakdown’s state, we must increase our PC defender from the virus, maybe we just create the masterpiece which can answer all problems that most people have.

Mental breakdown expression

    In order to help people whose mental breakdown, we must improve our leadership behavior and become a good role model for other people, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to stop mental breakdown’s habit, here is the first thing we can do how to stop mental breakdown’s habit; we only allow our mind to do during 24 hour, the reason why we need to allow our mind to do (24 hours) because not much information can make our brain is distressed, if we still have bad feeling in our soul, it indicates that our activity can’t help us to recognize our inner strength, having a bad feeling is coming from inability to define our capability and our limitation, here is the second thing we can do how to stop mental breakdown’s habit; we don't care about what we concern, we only concern what we haven't accomplished, the reason why this strategy is powerful because our mind is fueled with something new, not repeating something we have had in the past, here is the good news; if our attention only makes us focus on new resource, meaning, we indirectly upgrade our endurance, remember; a sense of fear will not exist unless we attract it with our poor thinking habit, here is the third thing we can do how to stop mental breakdown’s habit; we stop feeding our mind with perfect plan, meaning, we only do what we can and surrender the outcome to the divine, if we create perfect plan, we restrict ourselves to receive something better than what we plan, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.