Manifestation meaning with examples

Manifest is started from human's deepest curiosity

   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Manifestation meaning with examples”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are curios about the function of manifestation, many people want to change their lives, unfortunately, what they really need to change is unavailable, the main question is "what makes the human's resource is unavailable?" Feeling the inadequate or deprived,  Here the example of manifestation is when someone focuses on the one spot, if the one spot can be enlarged to be big spot after he learns it, as impact, he can manifest what he develops into reality, remember this; time will start to work after we start earlier than what we plan, if you wonder why you can't accept something manifest at this time because you only spend your major time to do something which is opposite with your deep belief's plan, I just want to give you the suggestion; Please act according to what your intuition whispers, the main reason why you don't create the accomplishment now because you try to shirk what you do, it is not good idea if you do this because reality is not designed to promote what you expect, but reality is designed to represent what you had done in the past time, if you want to be successful person right know, you must know how to differentiate between what you aim and what you expect, that's basic challenge you must know, if you just enlarge your expectation without giving a valid reasonable choice, your habit only creates self-delusion moment and you will get bad side effect from it, such fear or worry. 

manifest is creation from the clarity of mind

  If you still confuse about the manifest definition, you can review a bit about your habit and your purpose, you can ask a question to yourself "does my habit work on my purpose harmoniously? if your habit works with your purpose harmoniously, as impact, reality will show the magnificent thing beyond your imagination, whereas, if your habit opposes your purpose, the manifest you want isn't going to work, at this moment, I would like to share about several tips how to make your dream will be manifested into reality, here is the first strategy how to make your manifestation turns into reality; you must create long term purpose by finishing daily short term target, if you don’t have long term purpose, you can’t collect the daily progress through your daily activity, here is the second strategy how to make your dream turns into reality; don't violate your promise, if you want to do, please do it as if that you got the last chance, remember this; not all good things are not always bringing something you expect and not all bad things are not always bringing something bad for you, there is always relative in many different point of views, here is the third strategy how to make your manifestation turns into reality; don't expect others people's help if you can do something for yourself, if you feel panic about what reality gives, you just need to allocate your focus by doing what makes your inner soul is alive, if your purpose gives you a sense of optimism, positive and enthusiasm, you will win even though you can't see the end result of your struggle, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.