Knowledge matters

Without knowledge, you have no vision

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Knowledge matters", the main reason why I choose that topic because every basic element in this life always needs knowledge, if you ask me why knowledge matters in every aspect in life because knowledge can help us to detect problem and analyze the dangerous thing which may attacks our peace, if we see reality, not everyone deserves knowledge because their mental age can't adapt with the pressure during absorbing knowledge, besides that, knowledge needs human's high enthusiasm, deep curiosity and strong reason, remember; knowledge will be useful for person who builds self-discipline, purpose and empathy for helping other people's problem, knowledge will be meaningless for person who prioritizes about his own pleasure, people whose small mindedness, they have no capacity to endure problem which has high pressure within itself, if people can't endure responsibility to solve critical problem, they definitely do nothing magnificent, I think it is not easy to deal with knowledge because not all knowledge will be suitable with your own capacity, “even though you claim yourself as diligent person and read some books, it doesn’t mean knowledge will be coming easily to increase your capacity”, you must provide large empty container in order to accommodate knowledge, only pain and new adversity will expand your capacity, if you want new knowledge will give you a power, you must be willing to embrace a problem which offers a lot of pain and adversity, you must adapt with it in long period of time until it can give you a deep contemplation, that’s requirement, here is the special note, “knowledge will not change your life if you don't use it to link between what you know and what other people need”.

Knowledge can make you free from being a slave

 Knowledge is very unique, it can give you power if you use it to help other people's problem and knowledge will paralyze you as a slave if you don't practice it for bigger purpose, from this case, you can't separate between knowledge, passion, enthusiasm, humility and empathy, you must create the inventory in your soul to activate, if you don't build (knowledge, passion, enthusiasm, humility and empathy) in your character, knowledge will not work maximally to serve what you need, remember this; knowledge is like a golden ticket to manifest something invisible into reality or materialization, before you do something critical, you must collect knowledge first to minimize the dangerous impact and to maximize your opportunity, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to make your knowledge matters for your future, here is the first strategy you must do how to make your knowledge matters; you build self-actualization, this method is very challenging because it needs effort, time,  extra focus, if you are willing to express self-actualization, your inner strength indirectly accelerates your knowledge and wisdom, if you just surround yourself with the activity which offers something easy, instant process and pleasure, your knowledge will be gone and futilehere is the second strategy you must do how to make your knowledge matters; you must observe what most people need and what most people fear, if you can answer what most people need with your knowledge and also you can help people to relieve what most people fear, other people will find you even though you don't need their presence, here is the third strategy you must do how to make your knowledge matters; you must find something which can put yourself in the long haul, this job is not easy because it doesn't give you a guarantee how to make your life is success, but if you are willing to put yourself in the long haul, you will not get the pain of regret after you see the end result, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.