How to stop thinking so much

Thinking too much can give you the pain of stress


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would  like to share about the topic "How to stop thinking so much" the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can calm themselves when they meet with problem which causes them to think hard, based on psychological perception, the main cause what causes us to think so much is we lack of survival skill, meaning, we don't do something which can prolong our lives journey, if we just indulge our sense of instant gratification and we do what other people ask without knowing whether what we do is right or wrong, as impact, we will become the life's victim, remember; every person in this world is CEO of life, people who lack of survival skill, they tend to find something pleasurable until they are trapped in overcautious thinking, whether we like it or not, overcautious thinking has possibility to inflict stress, worry and depression, if we realize what causes us overthinking is our unclear focus and overreact about something which doesn't need our reaction, here is the first thing we must do if we are trapped in overthinking; turn off the media / tool which can remind us to do something we aren't supposed to do, as long as we can protect our focus by executing the vision, the outside of ourselves will be neutral, I have ever shared on another article that there is nothing outside will harm us, only our fear about something unclear can create fear of losing about the significant thing e.g. troubleshooting skill, ingenuity, if we lose the significant thing within our soul, as impact, the outside thing will harm our circumstance, that's simple, am I right?, before we judge something we don't know about what happens in reality, we must prioritize to fix our internal problem, maybe we can spend our time to do something related with our hobby, or we spend time to read favorite book, or we make a journal to monitor what we have finished and what we will do in the next day. 

Thinking too much about what others think is worthless

  I know it is not simple to stop thinking so much, but there is always chance for us to get something really from this life if we renovate our lifestyle, the key how to escape from overthinking pattern is change your lifestyle, meaning, you must be bravery to leave something which you consider it as important for you, here is the second thing we must do if we are trapped in overthinking; we must change our lifestyle, meaning, we must intend to go outside of our comfort zone, I think making new revolution is the best option how to leave a habit, meaning, we do something little scarier or we try to achieve something we haven't tried yet, remember; unproductive habit doesn't encourage us to do something different, instead unproductive habit will create the dangerous path for us in the future, so we must leave it or we will suffer in the next day, here is the second thing we must do if we are trapped in overthinking; express your feeling by writing what makes you concerns in the paper and burn the paper where you write down what you write, when the paper is burning, what you concern is also wiping out by itself, here is the third thing we must do if we are trapped in overthinking; be an opportunity giver to others, not be an opportunity taker from others, the main reason why we must train ourselves to become an opportunity giver because it can release new energy or power from our soul and also act of giving can empower our qualification, if we can release our power, we also can release the burden of overthinkingI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.