Finding a passion in life

A passion comes from what you persevere

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Finding a passion in life", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people can't differentiate between finding a passion and finding a pleasure, if we see reality, many people can't differentiate between passion and pleasure, many of them are trapped in misleading belief which drives their habit to do something which can't bring the enlightenment or peace to their soul, remember: soul doesn't need pleasure because every pleasure in this world will lead human's heart into the darkness of life, the more people put their life into pleasure, the more they can't see something enlightened, instead people will make themselves to go into despair zone, in my opinion: finding pleasure will never be able to touch human's potential because pleasure is designed to stop people from doing something productive, whereas, a passion is designed to make human's potential works and fulfill what people really need, based on psychological research: human's passion always needs something which making human to feel unpleasant, e.g. rejection, hardship, setback, if you want to salvage your future, you only need to feed your life with passion which can bring you to go outside from comfort zone.

Gut feelings needs your determination

  If you can survive in discomfort zone at least 1 year of period, I really appreciate your willingness and value your enthusiasm because you put your life in the right direction, in my opinion: life will never be hard for you if you focus how to fulfill your life with the power of love, if you don't know what you need in this life, you just need to follow your intuition and find a passion which can drives you to go out from comfort zone, you can't get the power of love if you aren't willing to go outside from your comfort zone, here is the good news: your passion will be alive once you feed it with a long term new mistake and plus your noble purpose, if what you do now can bring you closer to discomfort zone, meaning, you are on the right track and you will be waited by unlimited power which can make you to be different person because you find your uniqueness and authenticity, remember: there's no power in comfort zone and there's no learning process if you put yourself in comfort zone, when you already pass through a difficult journey in a tough time, you indirectly arrive in the area where God shows something you really need in life, so you don't need to dictate God with your plan, you just need to practice your consciousness by doing something unpleasant and let God works on what you really need in life, remember: nobody will know what they really need in life, if you want to salvage your future, all you need to do is avoid something which can connect you to the instant pleasure or comfort zone, once you arrive in comfort zone, you must prolong your new goal where it can drives you to the discomfort zone again, if you feel disassociated with the majority of people's habit, meaning, you will become 1% person who can get an extraordinary success, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.