Depression definition

Depression is like overthinking about undefined direction

  Hi, good reader, Howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, Hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Depression definition", the reason why I choose that topic because almost everyone in this world ever got depression, if you ask me why people get depression because they don't know why they must keep surviving and they don't find the meaning of their purpose, depression is always caused by inability to interpret what life wantsdepression is not normal mental state, but it is part of degradation of mental statedepression is the consequence from people's misbehavior and misbehavior is the result from poor information we consume, remember this advice; depression is not part of overworking, depression comes from the lack of resource to work better, don't misjudge overworking will cause depression, depression will not come easily when we have strong resourcefulness, a job is not designed to make people depressed because every job is designed to empower human's resource, if there is someone who isn't capable to adapt with his job, meaning, he miscasts a job, in order to reduce depression, we must find a job where it helps us to gain our inner strength because it can attract more happiness, if there is a job which can't deliver a new happiness to you, meanings, you got a wrong job, you must be brave to express your capable hand by doing something where you haven't tried before, remember; duty, excellence and having a noble purpose can bring a joy and meaningful life, here is another note I would like to remind you; every job you pick and your intention must be coherent into each other, if you work just because you need a money or recognition, as impact, your job will bring a lot of stress or depression, if you work because you accept the risk and love with consequence, as impact you will not get disappointed with the money you receive. 

Depression is motivated by lack of resources

  Starting from now, don't compare between what you have and what other people have, based on research; 85% human's mental disorder can bring a lot of diseases, if you feel depressed in your daily routine, it indicates, you have built many expectations to other people's power, if you ask me "what should I do to make my sense of depression is inactive?" you must renew your habit and don't try to repeat something you had done where you were in 5 years ago, the more you do something different, the more you shape a unique character, here is the first strategy how to regain mental health; stop pursuing something which doesn't need your reaction, meaning, you must be alert from something paralyzing, you can block your mind from the activity where it doesn't empower you, e.g. watching TV more than 6 hours, playing online game more than one hour, here is the second strategy how to regain mental health; you have to ensure your activity will be needed by a lot of people out there, the reason why you must do it because other people will give you the power of influence, the more people need your good service, the more you regain your mental health, if you have mental health, you will not get crack under life pressure, here is the third strategy how to regain mental health; stop living in the past, meaning, you dumped your past experience in the past and you start to do something new today, the more you let go something which already happened in the past, the more you get something new today, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.