Delusional thinking schizophrenia

Delusional thinking way


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Delusional thinking schizophrenia", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get delusion, if you ask me "why many people get delusional thinking in their life?" because they follow what they desire, not to fulfill what their soul needs, what causes problem is coming to human's life is not caused by lack of hope, but lack of power, such as, courage, creativity, knowledge, masterpiece/ achievement, recognition, conviction, endurance, credibility and survival skill, the main problem which causes human get delusional thinking schizophrenia is overjoyed, do you know why I say such thing because sense of overjoyed can influence human's mind to stop making new achievement / progress, here is the bad news; if human are always surrounded by sense of overjoyed in several times in a day, human will lose their mindfulness, basically everyone can get delusional thinking at any time as long as they don't build the main purpose in the rest of their lives, the reason why having purpose in this life is very important for us because it can help us to find what we will deserve in the future and also it can help us to preview the risk which may harm our life journey, in order to get the main purpose in this life, we must know what's function of problem and what's function of reality, as long as we don't recognize it, it is impossible to detect about the main purpose in this life, based on my research, every problem is designed to support what human's soul needs and also can strengthen human's power, we shouldn't avoid problem if it is happening to us, if there is no problem in this life, there is no meaningful significant power, that's function of problem, whereas, the function of reality is giving the consequence from what human did in the past, if there is no reality, there is no useful evidence and finally life's purpose will be nonsense. 

Delusion can make person is being sad

  Starting from now, please don't let your activity makes you overjoyed because you will lose the momentum of progress, the best expression you can dig from yourself is doing what can make you amazed about it, if you feel amazed, there is nothing fear can make you paralyzed, at this moment I would like to give you several strategies how to avoid delusional thinking, here is the first strategy how to avoid Delusional thinking schizophrenia; don't let the instant pleasure will dominate your thought, the reason why I say such thing because instant pleasure can open the opportunity to make you addicted once you leave the instant pleasure, here is the second strategy how to avoid Delusional thinking schizophrenia; avoid the negative news which is coming from TV, newspaper, social media or magazine, do you know why I say such thing because negative news will manipulate your thinking way if you do it, here is the third strategy how to avoid Delusional thinking schizophrenia; being a future oriented minded person, meaning, you focus how to prepare your future and forget about what you had experienced even though you get what you expect today, if you always do more than you got paid, you always receive more than you expect, that's law, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.