Delusional definition

Delusion of mind can't differentiate between illusion and reality

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Delusional definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because in the modern age there are many traditions where they are designed to lock people's visualization, so basically there is no tradition in the world can appreciate about what we will become in the future, we must beware about tradition which is embedded into our generation because not all tradition are giving us the freedom of choice, based on my research; tradition, caste, ideology culture are designed to limit human's potential, limit human's awareness, limit human's curiosity about the truth and limit human's intuition to develop inborn skill, here is the important note; if we lose our sense of creativity, lose our dignity, lose our knowledge, lose our strong willingness to learn something new, as impact, our mind is will be fueled by delusion, our duty as human being is not maintaining a good habit, but how to nurture our quality of mind because it will affect to our future's lives, if we realize there many aspects of life which needs to get improved, so we must ensure our focus is clearer than our thinking style, when our focus starts flowing into one clear object, our destiny will be shaped in particular time, I have got some several strategies for you how to reduce a side effect of delusion, here is the first strategy; you mustn't allow any information to enter into your memory if it is not concerning with your greater purpose, the reason why you must avoid the unconfirmed information because it will create delusion of circumstance in your mind, please beware about the information out there because not all information are designed to give you a good value, a low value information usually tries to grab everyone's attention at any time, whereas, a high value information usually has a big purpose or it's very private to everyone.

Self-delusion is influenced by wild imagination

   Here is the second strategy how to reduce a side effect of delusion; you must move forward your clear focus to your goal but don't overlook reality, do you know why we aren't allowed to overlook reality ? Because reality will help us to monitor what we have done and what we haven't done, if we see reality now, many people lose their vision to what they will become in the future because their mind is easily distracted by poor information, in order to lock our focus from poor information, our purpose must be greater than our expectation, the major cause to make us to get self-delusion is our expectation to get the fear of failure, if we can succeed to pass this challenge, we will never taste the pain of disappointment because we don't build our expectation, but we build self-awareness, the more we learn something useful, the less we fear something, the less we learn something useful, the more we fear something, now we can check again with our daily activity whether it can give us the vortex of happiness or not, if a person feel unfulfilled after he finished something, meaning, he could achieve more in their life, but if someone feel fulfilled easily after he finished something, meaning, he is actually living in the desperate state, do you know why I say such thing because life is no bound with satisfaction and it is limitless, here is the last note; if you can achieve something new, meaning, you escape from self-delusion, as long as you can create more, your fear about failure will lessen by itself, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.