Nihilistic delusion

Delusional expression


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Nihilistic delusion", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people 15 - 35 years old have suffered nihilistic delusion, based on psychological research data; the biggest cause from the delusion of mind is having high stress from environment or tradition and also high pressure which is coming from type of work, for the temporary analysis; delusion may happen when human's lifestyle, reality and tradition aren't congruent each other's, now let me explain about Nihilistic delusion; it is kind of mental disorder which can make people to believe something which can't be proved in real life, kind of person who suffers nihilistic delusion can't differentiate between illusion, hallucination and delusion, for this case, I just want to remind you that delusion is not the same with visualization, delusion is caused by mental disorder which affects to misleading behavior, whereas, visualization is caused by mental craving which affects to the future's life, if you have some relatives who get nihilistic delusion, the first strategy you must do is don't give your beloved people with your high expectation because high expectation will poison nihilistic person's behavior, if you realize high expectation is not always good for creating a mental picture, so you have to ensure what you do in your daily activity is coherent and well defined with your clear target, if you feel doubt about what you target, all you need to do is emptying your ego / desire to manage your expectation, the reason why managing expectation is bad because it is not harmonious with the natural law, now we will review a bit regarding one of the natural law, "life is unpredictable, mysterious and full of risk", meaning, we aren't allowed to defy the natural law if we want to avoid Nihilistic delusion, if we just follow our expectation, meanings, we don't fully believe with what's destined by Almighty God to us, remember this wisdom "the more we take something we are not supposed to get, the less what we own something", if we can understand the wisdom above, we will not get delusion of mind because we know the detail about our capacity and our limitation.

Delusion of mind can't differentiate between real life and unrealistic hope

 In order to avoid delusion of mind, we must unlock our inborn ability and wide our perception by staying in the flow of vortex of happiness and enduring the pain of learning process because that method will help us to strengthen our mental age, here is the first strategy how to stop making self-delusion; don't focus on the result, but focus on how to improve your purpose continuously, do you know why I say such thing because making progressive improvement will not let our mind to inject the negative information which it is ready to immobilize our awareness, the reason why many people get the delusion of mind easily because they satisfy themselves with instant pleasure more often than they do something for their life revolution, here is the second strategy how to stop making self-delusion; don't do something predictable continuously, but try to achieve something new which can amaze yourself, the reason why achieving something unpredictable is good for mental health because our brain neuron will work faster than we do something the same as before, remember; if we amaze about what we do, we will never be the same person again and eventually we will not get delusion of mind, people who get delusion of mind easily because they spend their major time to hide their authentic skill into their comfort zone, Nihilistic delusion is like the mind trap where it offers something attractive at the first time, but on the contrary, Nihilistic delusion just offers something which can make us to believe something beyond of our limitI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.