Delusions of reference schizophrenia

Delusion of reference example


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Delusions of reference schizophrenia", the main reason why I choose that topic because young people prefer to produce imagination they love even though it doesn't exist yet into reality than they believe what happened in reality, if you ask me why young people like to imagine something unexpected because their deepest curiosity about self-identity is larger than their logical thinking, people who don't maximize their spiritual intelligence, they tend to do something careless or new mistake with their wild imagination until they got the priceless lesson from what they did in the past, such as failure, rejection, empty pocket, those are enlightenment or inspiration where it can widen human's mindset, at this moment let me describe about the delusion of reference schizophrenia, basically delusion of reference schizophrenia is not produced from new mistake or new idea, but it is produced by human's inability to differentiate between what's true and what's not true from the life moment, even though what they see/ what they hear doesn't relate at all with the natural law, so we shouldn't fear about delusion of reference schizophrenia because it doesn't have any potential to kill us, as long as what we imagine doesn't fear us, it gets us stronger, but if we feel what we imagine immobilizes us, it gets us weaker and eventually we will get delusion of reference, remember; delusion of reference schizophrenia doesn't create any harmful to us as long as we use that kind of delusion to motivate us to do something bigger than our expectation.

Delusion of reference schizophrenia wants to shape the shadow of new territory

  the problem why there are some people can't remedy themselves from delusion because they try to avoid what they should accept from reality, remember; we don't need to look for problem, let God sends the problem to us, that mindset will help us to find a solution if we have problem, at this time I don't mean to discourage people to execute their desire into reality, sometimes we must let go off something we can't control even though it is embedded into our imagination because the uncontrollable thing is very dangerous and it is almost inconceivable, we must understand about the function of imagination rather than we use the power of imagination to comfy us, remember; the function of imagination is not used to make us satisfied, but it is used to find new possibility which may help us to find an alternative idea for making new achievement or better purpose, if we misuse the function of imagination, instead we will create the delusion of mind which can mistreat us to the misleading behavior, if we get misleading behavior, our fault may can't be detected easily because our focus is too deep to get inside into our own darkness, here is the first strategy how to avoid delusion of reference schizophrenia; don't be picky person, meaning, we must become realist when there is no alternative option in our thought, if we just push our expectation very hard to be happened in reality, as impact, we don't get the reward we deserve, instead we only get the unnecessary suffering which may block our creativity and intuition to develophere is the second strategy how to avoid delusion of reference schizophrenia; deliver more kindness to others until it can defeat our wild expectation, that's efficient way to heal our delusion of reference schizophrenia, do you know why? because doing kindness is part of the natural law which offers emotional healing to human's mindfulness, whereas, delusion of reference schizophrenia is part of the evil's character which turns human's instant pleasure to be permanent mental disorder, here is the last note; there is nothing can comfy us in the world unless we commit do something surprisingly to others, such offer the contribution of solution over people's daily problem, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.