Delusion of persecution

Delusion of persecution is talking about desperation, not real solution


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "delusion of persecution", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people can't heal themselves from mental disorder, such as traumatic experience, sexual harassment, depression which came from accident, bully victim, etc. Based on my own research; the only way how to heal our psyche from the mental disorder is the willingness to break our memory by creating more achievement and discipline your mind to execute our inspiration, now the question is "where can we find a new inspiration?" it comes from the subject we develop continuously plus collecting new knowledge from other people's past history, basically inspiration is nowhere in any place, we don't need to look for inspiration, we just need to develop our skill and let the inspiration comes to us by itself, remember; if you get delusion of persecution, don't bother yourself to find something which can attract instant pleasure because every instant pleasure is designed to keep you away from the vortex of peace, you just need to do something unpredictable until what you do can amaze you at any time, let me remind you "the infinite power doesn't need to be sought, it already existed within us long time ago", our main duty is complete the missing puzzle of information where it can fulfill what our intuition needs and we practice what our reflection needs, if we just seek something out beyond of ourselves, meaning, we don't look for inner strength, but we look for weaknesses, great power doesn't come by what we are looking for, but power awaits our great sense of love and endurance throughout hardship.

Delusion of persecution is embedded at the deepest fear

   There are many choices if we want to try, the problem is not many people are willing to try something new, the reason is having the fear of risk and failure, I think it is not fair when people judge something where it is not happening yet now, I don't think everyone can avoid failure in any aspect of life because failure is inevitable and unpredictable, in my opinion; there is no real failure in this life, there is only trial period, we don't need to dispel failure out from what we attempt, the more we focus on failure, the more we create new fear in our vision, remember; fear is like a smog, it can blind us and perplex us, eve though we can't see future, it doesn't mean there is no hope, if we just attract fear of failure, as impact, we will get delusion of persecution, it is worse job to do, real failure will happen when we pass away or we stop continuing to try something we don't know, life doesn't happen based on what we think, but life happens when we act according to what we start, if we consider life is unruly, inconceivable and mysterious, we must stop to believe something predictable and something certainty, if we are concerned too much about what the future looks alike, as impact, we will get delusion of persecution, here is the first strategy how to keep us away from delusion of persecution; we must break old habit, meaning, we propose a new habit for the future, life will always be the same if we always take the same habit and the same degree of difficult as we made beforehand, here is the second strategy how to keep us away from delusion of persecution; stop indulging yourself with your past memory and don't trust your memory, you just need to do something even though your mind can't understand what you start, if life can be understood and predicted by our mind, God has no significant function at all in this life, here is the last note; don't feed your memory with what had happened to you, rather you feed your memory with something bigger than your logic even though it contains something illogical, e.g. inspiration, if you always follow your logic, your fear will grow as the time flies, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.