Delusion example

Delusion of face


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Delusion example", the main reason why I choose that topic because delusion often happens when human don't know what they are going to do for their own future life in specific purpose or human don't know how to find their specialty, delusion is not the first time happens in human's lives, delusion is kind of mental illness which convinces human to believe something where it has never been proven yet in reality, delusion and visualization is having different meaning, delusion is kind of false belief which pushes human to believe something impermanent to be permanent in reality, whereas, visualization is kind of mental picture's product which drives human's soul to execute the probability of reality in certain way, have you ever wondered why delusion often happens in human's lives rather the visualization itself? Because human lack of endurance skill and the survival skill such as adaptability strength, as long as people lack of adaptability strength and lack of endurance skill, as impact, people will get delusion more than once in a day, in order to lose delusion from our mind, we need to travel our personality by doing something beyond of our expectation, as long as what we do is under expectation, meaning, we don't do something great for ourselves, life will not change as long as we don't give what we love to others, delusion of mind will happen when we only behave like pathetic person's behavior.

Delusion of mind likes to imagine what's not true

  In my opinion, being curious about us is better than being curious about what other people do, do you know why? Because being curious about ourselves can eliminate the pain of delusion which may come from other people's influence, delusion of mind comes from several examples, e.g. someone can commune with animals even though there is none other way human being can do that, someone can jump from one building into another one with single leap, someone can talk with dead people, someone can sketch a picture in the canvas with telekinesis, someone can lower his weight around 2 kg within 2 weeks, if we don't want to create unnecessary suffering, we must practice our skill by doing more than we expect, the reason why many people get delusion of mind because they always do something in their expectation, that's problem, here is the first strategy you need to do how to eliminate the delusion of mind; don't like the instant process, do you know why? Because instant process only gives you enormous suffering and also instant process can give you a lot of disappointment when the outcome is not showing up like what you hope, here is the second strategy you need to do how to eliminate the delusion of mind; don't do something based on your expectation, the reason why you aren't allowed to do that because your expectation only limits your movement, the more you do based on your expectation, the more you get delusion in particular time, once you are trapped in delusion of mind, you only do something illogically and irrelevant, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.