Define delusion

Self-delusion resurrects the imitation of self-image

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Define delusion", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people who are above 17 years old to get delusion of mind, but unfortunately they don't know exactly about the definition of delusion, based on my research; based on my research; people who get delusion, they are unable to differentiate between unrealistic plan, illusion, hallucination, realistic mind and fake belief, instead, many of them enjoy to have delusion of mind as the escape way to please themselves from life pressure, before we interpret about delusion, at the first time we must recognize several factors which can evoke delusion of mind, here is the first factor which can evoke delusion of mind is having a sense of high expectation's degree is much larger than ability to execute that vision, people who are unable how to execute vision and how to develop a special skill / inborn ability, their behavior tends to find the instant pleasure until they don't know the reason why they need repetitive instant pleasure, based on psychological knowledge; people who build repetitive instant pleasure in their mindset, they tend to create fake self-opinionated which can drive people's behavior to believe something which can't be tolerated in reality or something can't be proved in reality, in order to define delusion, we must know the function of delusion of mind itself, if we can't get the function of delusion, we can get the pain of delusion at any time, the function of delusion is nothing more than false happiness which is considered as inner peace and it is just part of turning point of misinterpreting point from human's desperate because they want to escape from life pressure, basically someone who lack of survival skill, they become an easy target from life pressure, people who get delusion of mind, he tends to put himself in his own sanctuary and he believes instant pleasure is the only fast solution how to remedy himself from the unknown fear, the feature of people who get delusion of mind easily, they will consider what they think is always morally right even though it is not related with what happened in their real life.  

Delusion of mind how to control time

  I think It is very difficult to escape from delusion of mind because we must be willing to taste unpleasant experience for long time, that's effective solution, people who don't build endurance skill from a difficult goal, they can't survive from life pressure, if we want to escape from delusion of mind, we must have activity which ensures our mental state keeps following the problem we love until we go into one direction to new possibility, the meaning of new possibility is our struggling journey is imminent to the new life we deserve in the future, starting from now, we must not let our mind is get poisoned by the untrustworthy / poor information where it can keep us away from doing what we can improve in our life journey, remember this; our life is like a vehicle where it can support us wherever we want to go, if our life locks us to the same place, meaning, we lack of provision to go further, such as knowledge, troubleshooting skill, endurance, creativity, and ingenuity, here is the second factor which can evoke delusion of mind is many expectations where it is built from our social circle, the reason why we aren't allowed to get many expectations from our social circle because every expectation will draw our focus, time and physical energy, if we let many expectations creep into our mind, our conscious mind will do soul-destroying process until we no longer be able to achieve something great in this life, remember; what can make us happy is not money or expensive stuff, but our inability to build our survival skill for longer time without expecting other people's support, the great thing comes from within, not in outside, if we focus to practice our intuitive to accept new problem from life, our life will be different at least 1 % every single day, please don't hate with problem because every problem can increase your awareness, if you are aware about something new, you indirectly increase your inner power, here is the last note; the way we think will determine the outcome we will receive from the future, the only thing how to change what we think is we stop saying what scares us, we do something what amazes us and little scarier, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.