Seasonal affective disorder cure

We are like two people in one soul, so we can create the connection

  Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Seasonal affective disorder cure”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in seasonal habit where it doesn't teach how to create new life, as we know that seasonal affective disorder is caused by unwilling to forgive what we had done in the pastthis kind of mental disease can't be cured as long as there is autumn and winter, if someone wants to get healed from seasonal affective disorder, he must recover his own habit by leaving the ritual which can block his journeythe word "the ritual" means, something which can block the universal law 's running process, here is the therapy how to stop seasonal affective disorder; try to live in the place where there is nobody can interrupt your mind cleansing process, for example: go to the lake by doing meditation and do what you can do if you are surrounded by the lake, you can ask yourself "what makes this lake can be viewed as natural therapy?" do I need to put some fish to this lake? or can I plant new flower around this lake?


  The first strategy how to cure from seasonal affective disorder; we must be faith that our past will never hurt again if we stop doing which can connect with the last ritual, the main reason why we need to apply this strategy because it can help us to immobilize our ego and to correct our idealism which may mislead us in the situation where it doesn’t make us valuablesometimes not all desires bring benefit for us, remember; if we control something we can’t control, the more we lose our existence valuedon’t let our desire will become disaster, if we try to judge something which can't be changed, we will lose our belief system to God's planthe reason why we get seasonal affective disorder easily because we don't want to enhance our mindset to do what we can, God has prepared something in your soul, He needs our faith to realize the biggest favor He sends to us, please take action without needing so much time to make consideration, as long as your knowledge feels renewed, please do it, here is the second strategy how to cure from seasonal affective disorderdon’t take larger responsibility if you aren't preparing your mentality to sustain it, it means, don't try to do something bigger than your capacity, have you got what I mean?, the point is don't do something more than you can dothe more you take something more than what you need, the less you will own it, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.