Competent person training

Competence lies in what you discipline to potential

   Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, I hope you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Competent person training", the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize their competence, if you ask me the obstacle which can make people can't recognize their competence because it is being caused by profit-oriented mindset, here is the main reason why profit-oriented mindset is very bad for your mindset because profit can lock your mental growth once you want to look for another opportunity and profit is not having ability to develop your ingenuous skill, I don't say you don't need a profit when you work in career you choose, what I mean is you shouldn't focus on profit if you want to build competent skill because building a skill needs strategic focus on one specific target, progressive action and perseveranceif you just prioritize how to get profit first at the first step, your skill will not grow as you expect because building a skill is totally opposite with what profit offers to your emotional intelligence, you must beware about profit because it simply offers a sense of satisfaction to you temporarily and it doesn't offer self-improvement at all in your career, sometimes you need to pay yourself with time, energy and focus if you want to build competent skill, from the data research; you can't achieve something great when your skill doesn't support in what you aim, your skill will not grow rapidly if you put your skill into the amount of profit because every skill needs mental adaptation with new problem you are going to deal with it, remember; competence comes from what you commit to your job even though there is nobody else will give you a credit, competence will grow if you do something not because you are motivated by profit you will get in the future, competence grows from self-awareness about a life problem which disturbs your core belief and your deepest curiosity.

Competence is not luck, it is part of self sufficient

  Starting from now, please don't too focus to pursue profit if you want to develop competent skill, profit will find you automatically when you succeed to develop competent skill in long period of time, that's part of God's guarantee, the reason why not many people want to pursue competent skill because they consider building a skill needs several years to grow, besides that, they must endure pain of uncertainty and pain of fear, remember this advice; people who are not willing to adapt with uncertainty, they are unable to adapt with a big problem which needs competent skill, only trusted person who is able to run competent skill, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to be competent person, hopefully it can give you encouragement to do something better in your career, here is the first strategy you need to do if you want to be competent person; you must be willing to compete against your ego, meaning, you must do something new every time your ego whispers you to stop what you develop, if you just follow and listen what your ego tells you, it indicates you can't compete against your ego, whether you like it or not, ego always whispers something bad for you, ego can't motivate you to become a competent person, that's your challenge, here is the second strategy you need to do if you want to be competent person; you must focus on your purpose, not the result, meaning, you must focus to develop about your potential if you want to grow together with what you aim, if you stop doing something just because you don't get profit, as result, your potential will not grow rapidly, instead, you only get stress and desperate because you don't get reward which you are supposed to get from what you do in your potential, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.