Behavior definition

Good behavior always follows the one clear direction

  Hi, good reader? howdy, welcome back with me, Fian, I hope you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness,  today I would like to share about the topic "Behavior definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone wants to adapt with their behavior, many people prefer to pursue what they desire rather than to follow what their behavior wants, meaning, there is big difference between desire and behavior, desire is just a part of illusion / false belief which can give a high pressure to one's mind, whereas, behavior is part of mental state which creates real action which follows one clear direction until its process is done, let me explain to you about the behavior definition; act of realizing what has been started and keep continuing the clear direction until its journey will completeif you ask me why many people give up to chase their dream because they don't realize that their behavior is totally opposite with their endurance level, besides that, people don't realize that every dream offers a high pressure which demands everyone's mind to pursue itpeople who don't improve their endurance level regularly, their behavior tends to avoid what their dream wants, in addition, human's behavior tends to avoid something which offers unpleasant feeling, if we use different perception "there is no difficult term in any career if we love to try something even though we aren't sure to do", our job as human being is not convincing ourselves to finish everything until it is over, our job is ensuring our behavior is in line with the direction we have headed, that's enough, here is my recommendation to you; don't use your focus to pursue something pleasant if you want your behavior is able to attract something bigger than what you imagine, you must do something not because you want to get money or fame, you must have intention to do something useful for dealing with uncertain futureyour future investment lies in your knowledge, endurance and awareness, if you use your knowledge, your endurance and your awareness can make a better life for others, your behavior will demand the skill to follow your command and your behavior will help you to manifest what you need in the future.

Sad is caused by poor behavior 

  In order to collect knowledge, awareness and endurance, your must demand your behavior to find a problem which pushes you to solve it, if your behavior just offers comfort, instant pleasure and ease, it indicates you are doing something in the wrong directionif you just do something based on what you desire, you only get stress, complicated thing and disappointmentyou will not get what you want if your endurance and your behavior still can't endure the pressure from your dream, you must start although you don't know about the next process, if you don't know, learn to invest knowledge to your mindset, if you feel incomplete about yourself, it indicates, you lack of endurance, so you need to challenge your comfort zone by doing something inspired or excited, the more you start something you don't know, the more you leave your comfort zone which lies in your capacity, it is wonderful message, right?, God doesn't ask you to do something great, He just wants you to guide your behavior to the God's plan, if you want to know whether you are in the good career or bad one, you just need to look at your fearfulness level, if you are ready to get failure even though it takes your time to adapt with unpleasant thing, meaning, you are on the right track, but if the failure makes you worry / fear after you try something else, meaning, you work in the wrong career, remember; you can't manipulate your deepest feeling even though you want to change it, maybe you can kid other people around you, but you can't kid yourself, your behavior will guide you to fulfill God's destiny if you just use your time, focus and energy to serve what other people need through your assistance, if you are busy to satisfy yourself, your behavior will crush your peace and you will get perplexed with uncertain mental illness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.