Bipolar disorder treatment

Bipolar depression

  Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “bipolar disorder treatment”, the main reason why I choose that topic because some people are suffering bipolar depression, this kind of mental illness is not happening accidentally, bipolar disorder is caused by interference with high stress which can manipulate brain function, there are two type of bipolar disorder; maniac phase and depression phase, both kind of mental disorder will happen in short term period, the patient who suffered bipolar disorder will feel maniac and depression in short period of them, there are several factors which cause someone gets bipolar depression, such as receiving a high pressure from working environment, having over excited with something enthusiastic, traumatic, alcoholic, etc. In order to help this kind of person, we need to examine his brain to the neurologist, or we can ask the psychiatrist to prescribe a medicine as medical therapy, remember; the medicine can't heal the nerves malfunction, if you want to help person who suffers bipolar depression, here is the first treatment you can give to people who suffer bipolar disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy about social circle and intrapersonal, stressed people are very sensitive to talk and it is not easy to deal with people who suffer bipolar depression because they are trapped in the feeling of great sadnesshere is the second treatment you can give to people who suffer bipolar disorder is ECT (electro convulsive therapy), the main reason why you need  this device because it can help to regenerate the patient's memory

Bipolar disorder expression

 There is no shortcut way how to heal people from bipolar disorder, we need to put them into new environment where it can facilitate them to build new productive habit or put them in the place where it can't make them recognize their past  memory, here is the third treatment you can give to people who suffer bipolar disorder is hypnotherapy, meaning, we will train the patient's imagination to visualize about something they want to go there, it is called the relaxation therapy, we can ask them to say something they want to hear it, here is the fourth treatment you can give to people who suffer bipolar disorder is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), meaning, the patient's brain will get magnetic stimulation from the machine to reframe the human's brain wave, this machine usage will get supervised from the expert, so not all people can use it as they want, we need to use TMC for short period time since there are high risk if this machine is used for longer term, for your information, there are several types of bipolar disorder, e.g. bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclotimic, mixed bipolar, seasonal bipolar,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.