Suffering from mental illness

Micro expression from mental illness


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "suffering from mental illness", the reason why I choose that topic because almost everyone has ever tasted mental illness, e.g. angry, fear, confusion, disappointment, regret, sad, worry, panic, now the question "when we can anticipate those mental illness?" in order to answer that question, we must know the value of our life mission first, if we can measure how much value of our life mission, we automatically can anticipate mental illness, basically what we suffer so far is not coming from life pressure, but it is coming from our ideology which is not suitable with the future's life, remember; future's life is not measured by how much time we have spent to live on earth, but how we contribute something for the future, the main reason why we suffer because we rewrite history which drives our habit to the pain and we don't let our emotion to explore what we need to know in the future, remember this; life is always moving forward, not moving backward, in order to untie ourselves from mental illness, we just need to create new belief, develop new habit, access new mindset, meaning, we need to do something where we have never tried before, the main problem we will face after we do something we never did is we will engage with the unknown fear, that's challenge you need to contemplate a bit. 

Mental suffering expression

  The main reason why life gives us the mental illness because our past habit we built was no longer relevant with the future's demand, in order to salvage our future, we must dare to leave our unproductive habit and start to do something we never did before, if we insist to repeat our unproductive habit, as impact, we definitely get the worse pain, now my question is "are you interested to taste the same pain like you experienced with or you challenge yourself to do something unpleasant?", remember; mental illness we have got in the past was started from the comfort zone we prolonged, the reason why we shouldn't prolong our comfort zone because comfort zone is designed to stay in the same track, if we stay in the same track, as logically, we will pass away in vain because there is no improvement or progressive action, whether we like it or not, life always demands us to do something really new because life is always hungry, what we need to do in order to prevent our hungry life is we keep engaging with uncertainty which offers us with hardship, curiosity and mysterious thing, remember this advice; don't let your satisfaction will lock your deep belief because life is limitless, if you are trapped in your own satisfaction in longer time, you will suffer from mental illness, here is the first strategy you need to do how to avoid mental illness; stop comparing between what you do for your life and what other people do for their liveshere is the second strategy you need to do how to avoid mental illness; you always stay curious to develop your potential, the main reason why you must stay curious to develop your potential because your mental capacity will be tested with reality, if reality crushes your life, meaning, you can't survive with your own way because your potential is small, so there is no finish line as long as you are still alive, your duty is how to ensure your mental capacity is ready when reality is giving a test, here is the last note; the luckiest person in this world is having the best preparation, that's key to keep distance between mental illness and your happiness state, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.