Persistent depression

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Persistent depression", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people can't stand with lifestyle that they create, if you ask me why people get persistent depression because they just spend their major time to run activity which offers low energy, e.g. watching cinema, overexcited about the online game, rat race's work style, drinking alcohol, hang out with toxic friends, doing something fun with social media application without having certain purpose, now I just want to remind you; if we surround our daily basis with activity's low energy, our habit will absorb the negative impact which is produced from the activity's low energy, here is the bad news; if people's habit dissociates with something worthless or low energy, as impact, whatever people feel can cause them to not to have interest about normal life, that is dangerous behavior, life will follow the vibration which is coming from what human do, if we follow the ritual or tradition which drives us to feel depressed, meaning, we stay in the wrong direction, so we should get out of its circle, persistent depression will not come unless we stay loyal with something we don't care about its risk, here is my recommendation; don't feed your mind with activity which offers instant pleasure too much because it will invite the pain of addictionpeople who suffer persistent depression, they tend to feed their mind and habit with activity which offers the pain of addiction, only activity's low energy which causes people to taste addicted until they don't know to stop addiction, remember; the activity which offers high energy doesn't make people addicted because it is very difficult to pass, instead, activity which offers low energy will influence people not to do something great, instead it will influence people to do something instant and easy like what mediocre people do.

Persistent depression

  I just want to remind you that every human's desire demands human's physical pain and mental acumen to work in real life, so people who suffer persistent depression can be healed by giving them a critical question therapy continuously, maybe you can ask them "what do you want in life" and "what kind of accomplishment you want to achieve" "what kind of problem do you want to solve?" "where do you want to go in 5 years later?", remember; people who lack of interest to pursue the goal, they will immobilize their potential by doing something uninspiring, if people feel has no potential, they don't optimize their focus to prepare plan to manifest the goal into reality, if people lack of using their potential for better purpose, as impact their potential tends to decrease human's a sense of enthusiasm, if human have low enthusiasm, they will start complaining when they meet with new problem, finally they suffer persistent depressionthe best medicine for helping people who suffer persistent depression; you can ask them to detect "where does your sense of enthusiasm usually go?", if people start to imagine about their enthusiasm's location, they tend to crave their vivid imagination with something excited, such as the favorite place or the special gift, if they succeed to imagine about something exciting, they tend to practice their physical body to do something sweaty, if they can concentrate about something sweaty to arrive there in the defined time, here is best part; if people suffer persistent depression, we will offer them with something that can't be done instantly, so we let them to adapt with pain of struggle, remember; human's potential will work at maximum level if people lure their potential with long term process, potential comes from enthusiasm, problem and curiosity, if people follow their enthusiasm, finally people can revive their low energy to be converted into high energyhere are activities which offers high energy; reading book, meditation, learn from successful people, run the business, get sport, make financial planning, going on picnic, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you a new insight how to improve your life, good luck.