Be happy now

Smiling figure

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Be happy now", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can connect with their happiness state which it had waited them long time ago, if you ask me "why don't we pursue our happiness, instead we are waited by our happiness? Because the happiness state is God's ownership, basically every happiness state can't be retained, removed or replaced by the expensive thing which can be bought by money or authority, if you consider your happiness can be changed by what you own as physically, meaning, you only pursue the instant pleasure and you do not get what you deserve, remember; happiness state lies is in the present time, not lies in the past or future time, if you can't combine between your enthusiasm, problem, your grit and your curiosity, you will never be happy, happiness is like the partner, if we do something for happiness, so it will do the same for us, happiness is different with satisfaction, as we know that satisfaction has been limited by the time and also it is limited by situation, whereas, happiness comes after you pass something difficult or it takes a lot of effort, you will get the happiness when you do like what the universe does, as we know that the universe does something for any creatures, not for itself, no wonder the universe is having unlimited wealth, the happiness state is not containing the power as you predict because the happiness state itself is the power to change what's necessarily to get changed from your lifehappiness will come to you directly when you succeed to create a new path where it suits with God-given talent, the happiness will not come suddenly, it always needs a mission and a deep belief from you, when you approach something which can teach you to be different person from time to time, that's right direction

Find your purpose before reality crush what you start

  Happiness will come when we start something that we consider as important thing, happiness will not come by planning because happiness lies in realm action, we can't predict when happiness will come to us, what we can do is offering something we have with something that can add to this life, such as kindness, if you give your life with a noble purpose and you act based on what you commit, then the happiness will value what you do and you will be given an access how to link with happiness, if what you do now is on the right direction, you will never get the pain of worry, anxiety, depression or regret, on the contrary, if what you do is on the wrong track, you will get fear when you lose something and your anger will increase by itself, starting from now, please get rid of the slogan "pursue your happiness" from your mindset, remember this if you want to be happy now, don't wait this life to do something for you, instead, you must offer what you can as much as possible until you forget what you have done in the past, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to get yourself pursued by happiness, here is the first thing you must do if you want to get pursued by happiness; don't put your happiness into money because money will flow unexpectedly, if you follow the flow of money, money will make you stressed because its speed is faster than what you think, if you don't surround yourself with long term mission, your attention will tend to find something pleasurable in a short period of time, here is the second thing you must do if you want to get pursued by happiness; you must stick yourself with what your enthusiasm does for you, the reason why you must apply this strategy because it is can't be done by other people, besides that, happiness doesn't come from pleasure where you can get easily, happiness is very difficult to obtain because happiness is true power which lies in your deep belief, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea or insight how to improve your life, good luck.