Building emotional resilience

Emotional resilience figure

  Hi, good reader,  howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Building emotional resilience", the main reason why I choose that topic because emotional resilience is the ultimate significant power which can influence people to do something incredible, if we see reality now, not everyone can build emotional resilience because many people often hate about problem, such as doing something which it needs quality time in weekend, going to somewhere where it offers many inspiration, reading some books, consulting with  successful people how to execute goal, etc. let me give you about the steps how to build emotional resilience, hopefully these steps can give you the enlightenment, here is the first step how to build human's emotional resilience; you must create something not because you need from other people's help, but you do something because you believe there is a great power which awaits you and also there is the strongest connection which can connect between you and Almighty God's favor, the reason why you aren't allowed to focus on something you can't control because those are parts of the intangible rewards where you aren't authorized to own, you must do something because you want to know more about your emotional resilience, that's basic challenge how to build your emotional resilience, even though you aren't treated like a very important person, you must continue what you work until reality brings something that you need.

Emotional resilience is built from suffering, not excitement

   Even though life is full of uncertainty, it doesn't mean we will never get a good opportunity in certain time, life can bring something dangerous if we just hope that opportunity or luck is coming, the key to build our emotional resilience is prolong our patience by pursuing what give us enthusiasm, in my opinion; enthusiasm is very powerful, if we can't find that can attract our enthusiasm, we mustn't complain in what we can't, so we must keep looking the problem that can make other people aware, if we see reality right now, many people get stressed and they can't live peacefully because their habits can attract low energy, such as, instant pleasure, instant money, instant exit strategy, instant process, remember this advice; people who love to approach something instant, they will never be able to build emotional resilience, the reason why many people can't survive in the middle of crisis because their daily ritual doesn't have potential to develop character which can attract new resource, e.g. endurance, credibility, troubleshooting skill, good reputation, intuition, here is the first strategy how to build emotional resilience; don't put your focus to the instant result, but put your enthusiasm is the long term game, here is the good news; if you can survive in the long term game, you can have something beyond your limited resourcehere is the second strategy how to build emotional resilience; you follow the other people's demand based on your skill, if you think your skill can fulfill other people's demand, you keep doing it, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.