Why self awareness is important

See yourself with different point of view
    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “why self-awareness is important?”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone considers self-awareness is the most important thing they have possessed, they consider money is more important than anything, in fact, our income zone lies in our comfort zone, as long as we insist to live in the comfort zone, we will never get more than what we want, instead, we will get something worse than what we hopeas human being, we shouldn't rely on the comfort zone because it doesn't offer longevity happiness, instead, the comfort zone offers the painful regret in the end of the world, remember this; the more we push our limit to work hard in the comfort zone, the more we get depressed about the outcome, most people think working hard is the best solution to attract bigger income, unfortunately, they don’t see the comfort zone as problem, instead, they see the comfort zone as opportunity to avoid bigger risk and avoid bigger problem, that's misleading concept, in order to attract more abundance in life, such money, reputation, authorization, fame, good relationship, credibility, etc. So we need to expand our mindset to view the world with the power of self-awareness, here is philosophy you need to contemplate; "mental block can't provide what we view about the outer world, whereas, self-awareness can provide what we deserve to see and what we don't deserve to see", basically, there is none other power can replace the power of self-awareness because it has the strongest potential to widen our perception when we want to see what's the outer world looks like, self-awareness also can help us to prevent our biggest fear where it can grow at any time.

Self aware person never stops learning

  We need to set the right direction in order to increase self-awareness, at this moment let me share something to you how to increase self-awareness, here is the first quality you need to do if you want to increase self-awareness; ask yourself with better question, such as “what would I have to do if there is nobody is no longer supporting me today?”, “is there anything else I can learn in order to raise my standard of thinking?”, the more you ask better question, the more you get better answer, here is the second quality you need to do if you want to increase self-awareness; trace about the crisis, it means, you learn about the crisis which had happened in the past, such as economy crisis, confidence crisis, identity crisis, food crisis, etc. the more we trace the crisis, the more we prepare our provision to suffice what we need in the future, here is the third quality you need to do if you want to increase self-awareness; having enthusiasm to solve problem, the reason why you need to do that because there is none better method can do that, that strategy is so powerful, if you are making habit of it, the market place will let you know how to fulfill the market's demand, here is the benefit if we increase the power of self-awareness constantly; we can prevent bad influence where it forces to stay inside in our lives, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.