Depressed person doesn't realize his priority |
Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome
back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of
happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the
topic “adjustment disorder with depressed mood”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can adapt with new circumstance, the root of problem why they can't adapt with new circumstance because they aren't willing to accept reality, if they behave such thing, it will cause them to get adjustment disorder with depressed mood, that's consequence, if you ask me “why there are some people can endure the pain without getting depressed mood”? because they train their mindset to taste life's suffering for long period of time, from this section we can conclude the root of problem why depressed mood often happens to human’s lives because people lack to taste suffering's test and they always consider life always offers what makes them satisfied, as long as people don’t increase their capacity to achieve higher purpose, they will not get a peace, remember; uninspiring
life story is caused by unappealing personality, if you ask me “what causes someone will have unappealing
personality?” inefficient use of time and energy to create self-demanding, here is the trick if you want to escape from depressed mood; don’t let what you can’t do interfere what you can,
it means, you have to put your biggest attention into one area which can teach you how to enhance self-esteem, credibility, noble mission and spiritual intelligence, if there is something can’t offer you a
value, high esteem and positive impact, so you shouldn’t give your time, energy
and attention into it, so you must prioritize to do something critical and don't prioritize what's not critical.
Depression is tied by false belief |
In order to measure what you can do for
your future’s career, you must have great interest about skill, knowledge and the problem you love, that's basic requirement, if you aren’t interested about one of them, you will taste depressed mood because life will never stop to demand you to do something, remember; you can’t
possess a skill until your personality can be matched with it, you can't choose a skill which it doesn't match with your biggest interest and biggest curiosity, you just need to provide yourself with good preparation until skill will choose your personality, if your personality doesn’t match with a skill, you will never own that skill, so basically
every skill is like a missing puzzle, it requires your curiosity to find a missing puzzle until you can assemble it in your personality, depressed mood often linked in comfort
zone because comfort zone offers negativity rather than wisdom, here is the first strategy you must do if you want to avoid depressed mood; don't chase something where it is not willing to chase you,
the reason why you shouldn’t allow yourself to chase something which doesn't want to chase you because it will change your good mood into bad mood, here is the second thing you
must do if you want to avoid depressed mood; stop trying so hard to be someone you aren’t, it means, you
must be the best version of yourself, you must focus with your interest and you only do something
for what your future needs, the reason why you stop
trying to be someone you aren’t because everyone has unique skill, different talent, different purpose and different personality, if you fight your identity in order to get other people's identity, you will get depressive
mood disorder for everlasting, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can
give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.