Talent development


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Talent development” the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us think talent is like the natural ability which can drive you to your success, some people consider talent is the product from what they develop from their interest, well, I don’t think talent can determine success, do you know why? If you think talent is requirement how to determine success, everyone should become rich because they have the same natural ability since they get it during upbringing process from parents or other people who take care of them, unfortunately, not everyone can find their talent and yet they still struggle financially, Remember; talent is like the seed, it will not grow if we don't love to cultivate it, the talent will not appear by itself until someone needs to focus on what he learns constantly, as human, we can’t see talent in our naked eye, we just need to show our determined action to what we are developing, in my opinion; talent will never be discovered until he can use their potential to survive from the difficult situation, let the miracle will find a way how to assist someone to find his biggest potential, as long as he begins something with his great enthusiasm, that’s good enough, talent doesn't need us to be great person when we start, talent just needs our commitment to start with our great enthusiasm, authenticity and courage.

  The talent will not determine our greatest success but it can drive our focus, physical strength to the right destination, in order to get promotion and recognition from our talent, so we need to show our determination to something that it needs our energy, when we feel clicked with something that it needs our energy, we just need to find the problem which can facilitate our talent, it may take several years, we should not feel uneasy about it because every greatness needs preparation, mental growth and adaptation process, that’s requirement, don’t let long term preparation can make us feeling uneasy, we just need to find a way how to enjoy with it, here is my advice; don’t look for easier method when you want to build career because it can’t increase your multiple of skills, you just need to use your dream and make it as big reason why you must struggle until you will meet with your dream, you don’t need to judge about something you can’t do, you just need to focus on what you can and let other people labelled you with “talent”, that’s making sense, sometimes you need to stop focusing about talent in order to drive your biggest focus to the scope area where you want to study there, if you are happy to do something you want to do, so your positive vibration will attract something miraculously which it is going to be manifested in reality, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.