How to attract the right man

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to attract the right man”, the reason why I choose that topic above because many people want to stick together with the right people, but unfortunately they don’t really know about the criteria of how to attract the right people, at this moment let me share something to you how to attract the right people in order to fulfill your best moment in your life, here is the first criteria how to attract the right man you want in your life; be a resource provider, means you don’t need to persuade other people to follow what you want, but you can provide what other people want through your service, if you have this criteria, you are not only be sought by the right people, but also your existence will be contested by unknown people who are looking for self-fulfillment, here is my suggestion; don’t try to demand other people to follow your desire, but you must observe what you can do for other people, don’t let other people will consider you like the opportunist,  the more you care about other people's problem, the stronger you becomebefore you can provide what other people desire, you must try fulfill what most people really avoid in this life, I think the best solution how to win the people’s attention is be a resource provider, do you know the reason why I say such thing? Because most people want to look for solution, not problem.

          Here is the second criteria how to attract the right man you want in your life; be a good listener to people's problem, the main reason why we need to train ourselves to become a good listener because most people don't want to become good listener, instead most people just want to become a true complainer, it’s not easy to be a good listener because not everyone loves with a problem, based on what I observe so far, every good listener has a good personality and also he really cares about other people's problem, besides that, not everyone really knows about the problem they face, that's why they need a good listener in order to detect a blind spot which happened to the complainer, remember this note; in order to get the high vibration energy, we need to lend our ears to others, so that we can hear carefully about what most people concern, sometimes we need to have the power of empathy in order to get a clear purpose from other people's experience, here is the third criteria how to attract the right man you want in your life; be a high target achiever to the customer's goal behavior the main reason why we need to be high target achiever because it will create a clear distinction between successful people's habit and unsuccessful people's habit, the more we achieve a high level of success, the more we create big attention to the right people who want to see that value, remember this note; good reputation will make big different result in the future, so make sure you can achieve the target that most people can’t get it, once you become a high target achiever, the more right people will find you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.