Hi guys, howdy? I hope you
always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How to master in logic", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can master in logic, besides that, mastering logic needs several times to practice, people who want to master in logic, they surround themselves with electric scope, based on research; mastering logic is like master a new language, it requires dedication and consistent practice, here are several steps how to master in logic, here is the first step how to master in logic; learn the basic, meaning, you start by understanding the basic principles of logic, such as propositions, logical connectiveness, truth tables, and logical equivalences, here is the second step how to master in logic; read books on logic, there are plenty of books that delve into the subject, like "a concise introduction to Logic" by Patrick J Hurley, or introduction to logic by Irving M. copi, here is the third step how to master in logic; Take online courses, website like Coursera, Khan academy, or EdX.
Here is the fourth step how to master in logic; Apply it real life, meaning, you try to apply logical thinking in your day-to-day life, for example; when you start to make a new decision, try to use your logical thinking, it is started with Why, How, What, When, Who, Where, here is the fifth step how to master in logic; Practice, remember; logic is part of skill, the more you practice, the better you will get, try to solve puzzle games or different logic problem (chess board games), here is the sixth step how to master in logic; Join a study group or forum, this strategy can give you different perspectives on logical problem, study in group can be great source of support and motivation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your career.